Author: Lopez, L.C.
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SPB/SFB Instrument  
  • L.C. Lopez
    European XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  The combined contributions of the European XFEL and the Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) user consortium will setup a state-of-the-art experimental instrument to study the structure and dynamical behavior of biological samples with x-ray diffractive imaging methods at atomic resolution and to initiate and follow conformational dynamics of these samples with down to femtosecond time resolution. Ultrashort x-ray pulses in the range of only a few up to several 100s of femtoseconds are so short that the exposure of a sample is over before x-ray-induced radiation damage effects can alter the atomic structure Therefore, a radiation dose far above the conventional radiation damage limits can be applied to a sample in a “diffraction before destruction” approach. Therefore, with such femtosecond snapshots high-resolution diffraction data can be obtained from samples unperturbed by radiation damage effects. At the same time, data collection can be performed at room temperature, avoiding cryogenic conditions, which helps to keep biological samples close to their native conformation and allows for time-resolved studies of dynamical conformational behaviour.  
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