Author: La Civita, D.
Paper Title Page
Soft X-Ray Grating Monochromator at the European XFEL  
  • D. La Civita, H. Sinn
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  European XFEL, the Free-Electron-Laser facility in Hamburg (Germany), is going to start user operation in early 2017. In full operation the novel facility will produce at MHz repetition rate coherent femtosecond pulses with unprecedented brilliance in the energy range from 250 eV to 25 keV. The facility comprises of a linear accelerator and three beam-lines: SASE1, SASE2 and SASE3 that covers the soft X-ray energy range up to 3 keV. The almost diffraction-limited beam is propagated along the beam-line with very long, cooled and super-polished mirrors. The plane VLS grating monochromator provides monochromatised beam and the optical layout consists of two alternatively insertable pre-mirrors and three gratings. All the optics are installed in the same vessel and mounted on a single in-vacuum baseplate. Degrees of freedom of the device are chosen and designed to guarantee the needed tunability and the maximum stability. The device has been mechanically tested and the vibrational performance measured to guarantee the adequate stability for the optics. This work reports about the concept, design, and test results of the monochromator with emphasis on the vibrational behaviour.  
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