Author: Kosugi, N.
Paper Title Page
Development of Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy for In-Situ/Operando Chemical Analysis at UVSOR-III  
  • T. Ohigashi, Y. Inagaki, N. Kosugi
    UVSOR, Okazaki, Japan
  A scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) is a powerful tool to analyze 2-dimensional chemical states with high spatial resolution. In UVSOR Synchrotron (Okazaki, Japan), the STXM beam-line has been opened for general users since 2013 and has been improved for two significant features; in-situ/operando measurement and use of low energy photons. We have been developing in-situ/operando measurements, such as humidity control, electrochemistry and polarization dependence of oriented molecules*. Furthermore, feasibility of quantitative 3-dimensional (3D) morphological analysis by computed tomography has been tested to perform 3D chemical state analysis. UVSOR Synchrotron has an advantage of photon fluxes in the low energy region from VUV to soft X-rays. In this region, not only the K-edges of light elements but also a lot of L-edges and M-edges of metals can be targets of the chemical analysis. Therefore, we have been exploring for the lower energy analysis; that is, one of our targets is the Li K-edge. Currently, the energy from 100 to 770 eV is available. In this presentation, recent progress of BL4U and development of in-situ/operando measurement methods will be reported.
* T. Ohigashi et al., AIP Conf. Proc., accepted.
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