Author: Kohlstrunk, N.
Paper Title Page
From CAD Beamline Design to Tunnel Installation at XFEL  
  • N. Kohlstrunk, H. Sinn
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL will generate up to 27000 ultra short X-ray pulses per second with a brilliance that is a billion times higher than that of the best conventional X-ray radiation sources. The outstanding characteristics of the facility are unique worldwide. Starting 2017, it will open up completely new research opportunities for scientists and industrial users *. To built up the more than 3km long Photon beam transport system it was necessary to create a complete CAD integration model with placeholders of optical and diagnostic elements and beam-line sections. The detailed 3D model has to be placed into this so called "overview assemblies". Later workshop and installation drawings were created from this overview assembly. This drawings helped the technicians/engineers to built up the whole system in the underground tunnel.
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