Author: Jensen, B.N.
Paper Title Page
WEBA01 Nostradamus and the Synchrotron Engineer: Key Aspects of Predicting Accelerator Structural Response 272
  • C.A. Preissner, H. Cease, J.T. Collins, Z. Liu, J. Nudell
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  • B.N. Jensen
    MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  Funding: Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.
MBA designs are placing stringent mechanical tolerances on the magnet support systems. At the APS-U the mag-net-to-magnet vibration tolerances are about 10 nm *. Timelines, installation requirements, and budgets constrain the resources available for prototyping and physical testing. Reliance on FEA to predict dynamic response is para-mount in insuring the tolerances are met. However, obtaining accurate results from a magnet support structure FEA is not as simple as analysing the CAD model of the structure. The 16th century author Nostradamus published a collection of prophecies that since his time, have been held up as predictions of various world events. While it is attractive to think his collection of short poems can be used to foretell the future, in reality it is only the vagueness and absence of any dates that make them easy to apply in a posthoc basis. Arguably, a similar statement can be made about the use of FEA in predicting accelerator support response. In this presentation the important contributors to FEA dynamic modelling will be discussed along with techniques that can be used to generate necessary data for models that can accurately predict response.
* APS-Upgrade, Functional Requirements Document, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, IL, USA, APSU 1695659, May 2016.
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About • paper received ※ 10 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 16 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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