Author: Hendel, S.
Paper Title Page
Optical and Mechanical Design of the EMIL Beamlines at BESSY-II  
  • S. Hendel, G. Reichardt, F. Schäfers
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • T. Gießel
    Bestec GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  • M. Hävecker
    FHI, Berlin, Germany
  The Energy Materials In-Situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL) at BESSY-II is currently under completion *. The setup for EMIL consists of two canted undulators, providing a wide energy spectrum of 70 - 10.000 eV, three monochromators (two plane grating monochromators and one LN2-cooled double crystal monochromator) and ten mirror chambers for radiation dispersion and focusing into two separate pathways of 65 m length. Split-mirror chambers distribute the desired photon energy to one (or simultaneously to two) of five experimental endstations. The maximum lateral distance between all beamline elements is not more than one meter. This narrow design, selectable monochromators and several beam crossings require advanced modification of all vacuum chambers to enable variable beam routes. Long pathways demand a very high mechanical and thermal stability as well as a reproducible motion of all optical elements. The chosen constant strut-length hexapod design for the mirror chambers provides a wide range of movement in six degrees of freedom. We report on the optics of the beamline, monochromator characteristics and mechanics, proposed timelines and present first commissioning results.
* R. Follath, M. Hävecker, G. Reichardt, K. Lips, J. Bahrdt, F. Schäfers, and P. Schmid, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 425 212003, p.1-4 (2013).
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