Author: Graceffa, R.
Paper Title Page
The Sample Environment Group of the European XFEL  
  • C. Deiter, R. Graceffa, M. Kitel, K. Lorenzen, L. Moore, J. Schulz, P. Thute
    European XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  The European XFEL will start user operation early 2017. The unique bunch structure of 600µs long bunch trains @ 10Hz delivering up to 2.700 bunches set strong demands on sample delivery. Each bunch will be intense enough to completely disintegrate the sample. Therefore, the Sample Environment group * develops fast replacement techniques of samples to operate experiments at the high rep rate of the Eur. XFEL. Serial femtosecond crystallography and single particle imaging on biological samples will be performed at the SPB/SFX instruments of the Eur. XFEL. The Sample Environment group will organize the biological user support. Main sample delivery methods will be microscopic liquid jets for SFX and aerosol sources for SPI. Some experiments will require quickly changing samples that are delivered on surfaces or on x-ray transparent windows. For this type of samples, the Sample Environment group develops a fast solid sample scanner with load-lock exchange system. For experiments on the reaction of materials to fast changing external fields the Sample environment group develops in collaboration with the ESRF and DESY a compact pulsed magnets in the 30 Tesla range (pulse length ~1ms).
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