Author: Feng, J.
Paper Title Page
Instrumentation and Diagnostics for Bi-Alkali Photocathode Production  
  • J.R. Nasiatka, J. Feng, H.A. Padmore
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  Bi-Alkali photocathodes have been widely used in photo-multiplier tubes and night vision equipment. They have high quantum efficiency (QE) and low thermal emittance in the visible light region, and are of crucial importance to Free Electron Laser (FEL) based light sources. The traditional photocathode production process has not been well defined and performance of cathodes can vary wildly when produced under the same conditions. Advanced tools for characterization of cathode performance during and after fabrication are critical to the understanding of the growth process. We have developed a new deposition and diagnostics system for bi-alkali photocathode production that allows for consistent, repeatable cathode fabrication. This system features active temperature control, a high resolution Ultraviolet monochromator to provide real-time in-situ spectral measurements, and a transverse momentum measuring system (Momentatron) for post fabrication evaluation.  
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