Author: Doehrmann, R.
Paper Title Page
Investigation of the Vibrational Stability of Synchrotron X-Ray Optics Using a Differential Interferometer  
  • R. Doehrmann, J. Heuer, J. Horbach, H. Schulte Schrepping, I. Sergeev
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Advanced synchrotron radiation experiments for example for investigations at the nanoscale place extreme demands on the stability and precision of all components of modern beamlines. This is of particular importance for high precision X-ray optics, as mirrors or double crystal monochromators (DCM), which should keep the beam stable. The DCM is the first optical element in most synchrotron beamlines, which has to operate under high heat load. Thus, the cryogenic cooling and high vacuum are necessary conditions for the DCM operation in most cases. Unfortunately, cryogenic cooling is a source of the vibrational instability that has to be reduced in order to improve the beamline performance. Here, we present a method to measure vibration directly at the DCM crystals. This method was used to study and improve vibrational stability of several PETRA III monochromators. The results of the measurements allow us to discover common sources of instabilities. These results will be shown and discussed and we will describe in detail the modifications performed on the LN2 system and the monochromator design, which leads to the improvement of the angular stability at the best down to 50 nrad RMS.  
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