Author: Dill, F.U.
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Concept of an in vacuum high resolution Monochromator for IXS experiments  
  • F.U. Dill
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Starting April 2017, beamline P01 at Petra III (DESY) will deliver x-rays from the hard x-ray regime all the way down to energies of 2.5 keV. Due to high absorption of 2.5 keV photons in air (more than 99,9 % at 100 mm) our high precision goniometers (three independent stages) for the high resolution monochromator will have to be put into high vacuum (1x10-7 mbar). To our knowledge there is no vacuum compatible high precision goniometer at the market for this range of vacuum. Our approach to solving this problem is to use piezo actuators (a long travel range of the chosen actuator) combined with a high precision spindle ball bearing to make a simple setup of an in vacuum high precision goniometer. The goal is to achieve an angular resolution of 10 nanorad - a movement that will be monitored and controlled by an in vacuum encoder. The piezo driven angular range is set to be ±20 ° and all three goniometers will move independently, along and perpendicular to the beam. Two Pin Diodes, movable in two directions, are going to allow us to monitor the flux before and after the beam hits the crystals.  
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