Author: Delitz, J.T.
Paper Title Page
Optical Laser in-Coupling of the SCS Instrument at the European XFEL  
  • J.T. Delitz, R. Carley, M. Izquierdo
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  • C. Broers, A. Scherz
    European XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  To facilitate pump-probe time-resolved studies, an optical laser in-coupling device (LIN) will be located on the Scattering and Coherent Spectroscopy instrument between the Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) X-ray focusing mirrors and the exchangeable interaction chamber. The main function of the LIN is to bring the optical pump laser to the sample. Optical pump laser pulses can be generated in a range of wavelengths, pulse energies and pulse durations and are synchronized to the FEL pulse sequence. The main feature of the LIN is a set of four in-vacuum mirrors for different wavelengths that can be selected without breaking vacuum. The mirror stack is mounted on a vertical translator with ball-screw- driven linear guides attached to the base granite for stability. Each 2-inch piezo driven mirror holder allows an on-axis or off-axis configuration with respect to the X-ray beam. With a total length of 940 mm the LIN also includes a proper image based diagnostic for the pump laser as well as the FEL beams. To maintain the pressure in the KB mirror chamber two-stages of differential pumping are also included in the setup.  
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