Author: Castagna, J.C.
Paper Title Page
MFX - a New Macromolecular Beamline at LCLS  
  • J.C. Castagna, S. Boutet
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  MFX stands for Macromolecular-Femtosecond-Xtallography Motivation for a new beamline at LCLS: Biology experiments require pink beam in the Hard Xray regime. The existing and combined, CXI and XPP beamlines at LCLS cover >55% of the LCLS proposals, all sciences included. About half of these are biology proposals. Schedule constraints mean structural bi-ology beam time had plateaued and the gap between biology beam time and demand has been increas-ing steadily. MFX is a new beamline at LCLS optimized and dedicated to atmospheric pressure structural biology. MFX was created to allow more access to beam time and benefit from the LCLS multiplexing capabili-ties. First light came on January 12 2016, 21 months after initial funding. First user experiment took place in July 2016. End station is still in construction phase.  
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