Author: Boire, J.
Paper Title Page
MRT LIFT - a High Accuracy Positioning System for Biomedical Imaging and Therapy Program at BMIT  
  • T.W. Wysokinski, G. Belev, M. Bree, L.D. Chapman, C.D. Miller
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • J. Boire
    RMD Engineering Inc., Saskatoon, Canada
  • N. Huber
    HUBER Diffraktiontechnik GmbH&Co.KG, Rimsting, Germany
  • M. Renier
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  The Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) Lift is a large, high precision, eight stage positioning and scanning system installed at BMIT Facility. In order to guarantee a uniform exposure rate of the sample, the vertical speed of the main stage (Zscan) is constant with <1% error over the 700 mm vertical excursion. It may reach 200 mm/s. The main CT stage (PHI1) can rotate 120 kg load with speed up to 30 rpm. The verified accuracy of the motion is less than 5 Um. Other stages include: Ytrans - horizontal positioning of the vertical rotational axis to the beam, PHI2 - kappa axis used for specimen positioning, PHI3 - rotary axis used for specimen positioning and Xpos, Ypos , Zpos: fine positioning stages. Alignment of the sample using the MRT Lift is a time consuming and challenging task. The BMIT Group has developed a Python-based MRT Lift positioning and control program that uses a combination of computational and iterative methods to independently adjust the sample’s X, Y, Z, pitch and roll positions. Integration with the SolidWorks modelling platform allows high quality renderings of the MRT Lift in its current or proposed position to be displayed in real time.  
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Large (Metre) Scale Positioning Systems for Imaging Program at BMIT  
  • T.W. Wysokinski, G. Belev, L.D. Chapman, C.D. Miller
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • J. Boire
    RMD Engineering Inc., Saskatoon, Canada
  • M. Renier
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  The BioMedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) facility provides synchrotron-specific imaging and radiation therapy capabilities. We describe here the main mechanical stages on the insertion device (ID) beam-line 05ID-2, with the beam terminated in SOE-1 experimental hutch. The main mechanical components within the second optics hutch (POE-3) are: tiltable optics table that provides support for a set of filters, shutters and ion chambers and a moveable shielding assembly. The table provides 0.24 m vertical travel range and tilt capability of -8° to +13° (with respect to the horizontal) and 200 kg load capacity. Moveable shielding provides 2030 kg load capacity, with vertical travel range of 0.7 m and has two sets of photon/safety shutters, which are required for the KES imaging angle range of +12.3° to -7.3°. SOE-1 hutch is 6 m wide, 5 m tall and 10 m long and accommodates the large animal positioning system (LAPS) capable of positioning and manipulating samples up to 907 kg, over 2.7 m vertical travel range. This end-station also includes a unique camera positioner with a 320 kg load capacity, vertical travel range of 4.9 meters and ability to tilt the stage for KES and DEI modes.  
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