Author: Aizpurua, G.A.
Paper Title Page
Development and Characterization of a Large Range Small Angle Generator  
  • G. Kortaberria, G.A. Aizpurua, A. Delgado, A. Olarra
    Fundación TEKNIKER, Elbr (Guipuzkoa), Spain
  Funding: Device developed in EMRP SIB58 ANGLES project.
This work reports on development and characterization of a new concept of Large Range Small Angle Generator, LRSAG. The device is used for the calibration of high precision angle measuring systems, such as autocollimators, levels and encoders. The state of art requirements for the SAG according to autocollimator manufacturers and users are: ±3600" stroke, 0.001" resolution, high stability and portability. The key element behind the angular motion generation consists on a flexure mechanism. This approach makes possible to reduce the overall size of the LRSAG. Moreover, the mechanism consists on a Parallel Kinematic Mechanism that supports the end effecter, enabling high stiffness and high eigenfrequencies. The mechanisms is actuated by two piezo linear stages that provide large stroke (20 mm) and very high resolution (2 nm in closed loop mode). Two independent measuring systems are also integrated in the angle generator. These systems provide feedback about the position of the moving platform based on imaging systems. One of the measuring systems is a novel "planar differential absolute 3 DOF measurement device". The second system consists on linear encoder technology.
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