Author: Yan, X.Q.
Paper Title Page
TUPO003 Development of CW Heavy Ion Linac at IMP 326
TUOP08   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • X. Yin, H. Du, Y. He, Q.Y. Kong, X.N. Li, Z.S. Li, L.Z. Ma, J. Meng, C. Qian, L.T. Sun, K.D. Wang, J.X. Wu, J.W. Xia, W.J. Xie, Z. Xu, Y.Q. Yang, Q.G. Yao, Y.J. Yuan, W. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H.W. Zhao, Z.Z. Zhou
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  • J.E. Chen, S.L. Gao, G. Liu, Y.R. Lu, Z. Wang, X.Q. Yan, K. Zhu
    PKU, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  A new heavy ion linac as the injector for the Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC), named SSC-Linac[1], is being under constructed at the national laboratory Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The SSC-Linac mainly consists of a 4-rod RFQ and three IH-DTL cavities which can accelerate ion of A⁄q≤7from 3.73 keV/u to 1.025 MeV/u. Both of themoperating at 53.667MHz had been developed. In the commissioning, ions weresuccessfully accelerated to 0.295MeV/u by IH-DTL1. The beam commissioningof the IH-DTL2 which can accelerate the ion to 0.586MeV/u will come soon. In this paper, the recent R&D progress of the SSC-Linac including the development of key components and the beam commissioning results arepresented.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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From Laser Acceleration to Laser Proton Accelerator  
  • X.Q. Yan
    PKU, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Funding: MOST
A Compact LAser Plasma Accelerator (CLAPA) that can stably produce and transport protons with different energies less than 10 MeV, less than 1% energy spread and several to tens of pC charge is demonstrated. The high current proton beam with continuous energy spectrum and a large divergence angle was generated by using a high contrast laser interacting with micron thickness targets, which later was collected, analyzed and refocused by an electromagnetic lattice using combination of quadrupole and bending electromagnets. This is the first experiment that combines the laser acceleration with a fully functional beam line, realizing the precise manipulation of the proton beams with reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability . Spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP), the key technology of proton radiotherapy for malignant tumors, is then realized with laser accelerator for the first time.
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