Author: Mibe, T.
Paper Title Page
MOPO085 Prototype of an Inter-digital H-mode Drift-tube Linac for Muon Linac 180
  • Y. Nakazawa, H. Iinuma
    Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Hasegawa, Y. Kondo, T. Morishita
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-mura, Japan
  • N. Hayashizaki
    RLNR, Tokyo, Japan
  • Y. Iwashita
    Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
  • Y. Iwata
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • N. Kawamura, T. Mibe, M. Otani, T. Yamazaki, M. Yoshida
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • R. Kitamura, H.Y. Yasuda
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • N. Saito
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • Y. Sue
    Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
  An inter-digital H-mode (IH) drift-tube linac (DTL) is developed for a low velocity part in a muon linac at the J-PARC E34 experiment. It will accelerate muons from v/c = 0.08 to 0.28 at an operational frequency of 324 MHz. In order to achieve higher acceleration efficiency and make cost lower, an alternative phase focusing (APF) scheme is adopted. A prototype with 6 cells of 0.45 m length was manufactured. The prototype accelerates muons from v/c = 0.08 to 0.15 stage. We conducted frequency measurement and bead-pull measurement as a low-power measurement, in order to evaluate the prototype product. In this paper, the results of the low-power measurement for prototype cavity will be presented.  
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About • paper received ※ 10 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 19 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TUPO010 Muon Acceleration Test with the RFQ Towards the Development of the Muon Linac 342
SPWR015   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • R. Kitamura
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • S. Bae, S. Choi, B. Kim
    SNU, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Y. Fukao, K. Futatsukawa, N. Kawamura, T. Mibe, Y. Miyake, T. Yamazaki
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Hasegawa, Y. Kondo, T. Morishita
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  • T. Iijima, Y. Sue
    Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
  • H. Iinuma, Y. Nakazawa
    Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Ishida
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  • S. Li
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo, Japan
  • M. Otani, N. Saito
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • G.P. Razuvaev
    Budker INP & NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The muon linac to accelerate muons 212 MeV is planned in order to measure the muon dipole moments precisely in the J-PARC. The muon acceleration with a RF accelerator hasn’t been demonstrated yet in the world. Therefore the muon acceleration test with the RFQ as the feasibility test of the muon linac was demonstrated at the Muon D line in the J-PARC MLF. Conventional muons are cooled with producing ultra-slow muons using the muonium production and the ionization laser for the muon linac. However these apparatuses couldn’t be used because of the limitation of the experimental area in the acceleration test. Therefore the conventional muon was converted to the negative muonium ion (Mu-) with less than 2 keV using the thin aluminum foil target as the easy cooling method. The Mu- was finally accelerated to 90 keV using the RFQ. The accelerated Mu- was selected with a diagnostic beam line and identified with the Time-Of-Flight measurement using a MCP detector. The result of the world’s first muon acceleration test with the RFQ will be reported in this presentation.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO017 Progress of the Novel Three-dimensional Spiral Injection Scheme Test Experiment 717
SPWR009   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • M.R. Rehman
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Furukawa, H. Hisamatsu, T. Mibe, H. Nakayama, S. Ohsawa
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • H. Iinuma
    Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
  Funding: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP26287055 and JP 23740216.
A new muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC (E34) is under preparation in order to resolve a 3𝜎 discrepancy of muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment between the measurement and the standard model prediction. The E34 experiment will employ a unique three-dimensional spiral injection scheme in order to store the muon beam into a small storage orbit. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this novel injection scheme, the Spiral Injection Test Experiment (SITE) with the electron beam is under construction at KEK Tsukuba campus. The goals of the SITE are divided into two phases. In the first phase of the SITE, 80 keV DC electron beam was injected and detected as a fluorescent light due to the de- excitation of the nitrogen gas into solenoidal storage magnet. In the second phase of the SITE, the pulsed electron beam, and a pulsed magnetic kicker are developed in order to keep the pulsed beam on the very midplane of the solenoidal storage magnet. This paper describes the achievements of the first phase of SITE and progress towards the second phase.
*H. Iinuma et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methos in Physics Research A, 832, 51-62 (2016).
DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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