Author: Madec, C.
Paper Title Page
TU1A01 Challenges in Superconducting Accelerating Module Design and Construction for High Power Proton Accelerators 280
  • C. Madec
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  CEA is engaged in the construction of the IFMIF, SARAF and ESS superconducting linacs and in particular in the design and production of a their accelerating cryomodules: 1 low-beta half-wave 176 MHz resonators for IFMIF, 4 low-beta half-wave 176 MHz resonators for SARAF and 30 medium and high-beta elliptical cavity resonators for ESS. The developments of these RF cryomodules, although at various stages, are led in parallel by the cryomodule team at CEA-Saclay, including all RF, mechanical, thermal, cryogenic, integration and QA-QC aspects in a global approach which attempts to optimise synergies and lessons learnt between these projects. A status report will be presented describing the common approaches and methods, and the systemic particularities of each project.  
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About • paper received ※ 14 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 08 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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WE2A04 Commissioning of New SARAF RFQ and Design of New Linac 626
  • A. Perry, D. Berkovits, H. Dafna, B. Kaizer, J. Luner, J. Rodnizki, A. Shor, I. Silverman, L. Weissman
    Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
  • A. Bechtold, P. Niewieczerzal
    NTG Neue Technologien GmbH & Co KG, Gelnhausen, Germany
  • R.D. Duperrier, G. Ferrand, B. Gastineau, M. Jacquemet, C. Madec, N. Pichoff, D. Uriot
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • S. Ladegaillerie, Th. Plaisant
    IRFU, CEA, University Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  Status of the CEA desing of the future Saraf linac (title to be revised)  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • paper received ※ 17 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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