Author: He, Y.
Paper Title Page
MOPO087 Cold Test of Hybrid RFQ Prototype 184
SPWR012   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • P.Y. Yu, Y. He, C.X. Li, F.F. Wang, Z.J. Wang, B. Zhang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Hybrid RFQ is proposed as a potential good choice at the low-energy range of linear accelerator, which is combined by four-vane RFQ structure and CH-DTL structure. It has higher energy gain rate compared to conventional RFQ, and it is more compact than traditional DTL. In order to research on process exploration and RF parameters of this structure, an aluminium prototype is developed. The cold test of Hybrid RFQ prototype is completed. This paper will present the results and analysis of the test.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TUPO003 Development of CW Heavy Ion Linac at IMP 326
TUOP08   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • X. Yin, H. Du, Y. He, Q.Y. Kong, X.N. Li, Z.S. Li, L.Z. Ma, J. Meng, C. Qian, L.T. Sun, K.D. Wang, J.X. Wu, J.W. Xia, W.J. Xie, Z. Xu, Y.Q. Yang, Q.G. Yao, Y.J. Yuan, W. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H.W. Zhao, Z.Z. Zhou
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  • J.E. Chen, S.L. Gao, G. Liu, Y.R. Lu, Z. Wang, X.Q. Yan, K. Zhu
    PKU, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  A new heavy ion linac as the injector for the Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC), named SSC-Linac[1], is being under constructed at the national laboratory Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The SSC-Linac mainly consists of a 4-rod RFQ and three IH-DTL cavities which can accelerate ion of A⁄q≤7from 3.73 keV/u to 1.025 MeV/u. Both of themoperating at 53.667MHz had been developed. In the commissioning, ions weresuccessfully accelerated to 0.295MeV/u by IH-DTL1. The beam commissioningof the IH-DTL2 which can accelerate the ion to 0.586MeV/u will come soon. In this paper, the recent R&D progress of the SSC-Linac including the development of key components and the beam commissioning results arepresented.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TUPO036 Vertical Test Results of Plasma In-situ Cleaning on Low Beta HWR Cavity 408
TUOP06   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • A.D. Wu, H. Guo, Y. He, C.F. Hu, S.C. Huang, C.L. Li, Y.M. Li, X. Liu, F. Pan, Y.K. Song, P.R. Xiong, L. Yang, W.M. Yue, C. Zhang, S.H. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Field emission occurred in SRF cavity is the major limitation to operate at high gradient with stability. The plasma in-situ cleaning for the low beta HWR cavity was carried out to remove the hydrocarbons contaminants on the inner cavity surface. And the vertical test results indicated that the field emission effect was relieved with the increasing of the quench point and emission set-on point. Thus, oxygen active plasma processing can be an effective method to solve the field emission issues for the low beta HWR cavity.  
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About • paper received ※ 11 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 08 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TUPO038 Several Experimental Phenomena of Sn Nucleation on Nb Surface Observed at IMP 412
TUPO037   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • Z.Q. Yang, Y. He, F. Pan
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Nucleation process is an important step that affects the quality of Nb3Sn films coated by vapor diffusion method. A uniform distribution of nucleation centers is essential to the uniformity of Nb3Sn films. In this paper we report several experimental phenomena on the Sn nucleation on Nb surface. Better nucleation in the downstream of the pumping direction was observed. Influence of SnCl2 partial pressure inhomogeneity was studied. Samples with higher SnCl2 partial pressure have denser nucleation, which means homogeneous SnCl2 pressure is a critical factor to the uniform nucleation. Less-nuclear zones, mainly distributed at cracks, grain boundaries and even some whole grain surfaces, were found on the surfaces of all samples. The less-nuclear zones may result in the low tin regions of the Nb3Sn cavities. The specific solution to the less-nuclear problem was proposed. These studies help to better understanding of the mechanism underlying the nucleation process and will be useful foundation for the follow-up Nb3Sn/Nb project at IMP.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 19 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TUPO106 Mathematical Principle and Numerical Reconstruction in Real Space Measurement with a Rotating BPM 560
  • P. Jiang, Y. He, Z.J. Wang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  It is difficult to measure beam profiles and monitor the beam during beam supply for high intensity high power accelerators. Based on the button pick-ups, the mathematical principle of a rotating BPM is proposed. SVD method is used to reconstruct the beam in x-y real space, and the basic parameters used in beam reconstruction are argued. The beam distribution in x-y real space is reconstructed well and compared to the reference beam. The beam reconstruction is sensitive to the electrode radius. The meshing and the grid numbers in the solution window have an import effect on the beam reconstruction.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 19 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO050 Research on the New Cavity Structure of RFQ Accelerator With Bent Vanes at IMP 802
THOP03   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • L. Yang, T. He, Y. He, C.X. Li, L. Lu, L.P. Sun, C.C. Xing
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  • L. Yang
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  A new cavity structure of RFQ accelerator with bent vanes is proposed to meet the miniaturization requirement of low frequency heavy ion accelerators at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. The new structure has a downsized cross section by bending vanes while keeping a certain vane lengths. It also possesses the advantages of simple cooling structure and high power efficient when used in low frequency. The new structure has obvious advantages in reducing manufacturing difficulty of cavity, cutting down project cost, enhancing facility reliability and stability.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO051 The Multi-physics Analysis of LEAF RFQ 805
  • X.B. Xu, T. He, Y. He, C.X. Li, L. Lu, W. Ma, A. Shi, L.B. Shi, L.P. Sun, C.C. Xing, L. Yang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  The 81.25 MHz CW RFQ is designed to accelerate heavy ions with Q/A from 1/7 to 1/2 at 0.5 MeV/u for the Low Energy Accelerator Facility (LEAF) at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). The four-vane RFQ consists of six mod-ules with a total length of 5.95 meters, For the CW oper-ating mode, thermal management will be a very important issue, Therefore a multi-physics analysis is necessary to ensure that the cavity can stably operate at the high RF power . The multi-physics analysis process includes RF electromagnetic analysis, thermal analysis, mechanical analysis, and the frequency shift, the cooling water system is used for frequency tunning by the temperature adjustment, and also analyze RFQ undercuts, fixed tuners, and pi-mode rods, the results show that the thermal and structural design of this RFQ is reasonable.  
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About • paper received ※ 17 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO052 High Power Test of the LEAF-RFQ 808
  • L. Lu, Y. He, W. Ma, L.B. Shi, L.T. Sun, L.P. Sun, L. Yang, Y. Yang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  High power heavy ion drivers require a CW low-frequency accelerator for initial acceleration. A CW four-vane radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator is designed to accelerate heavy ions A/q up to 7 from 14 keV/u to 500 keV/u, as a new injector for the Low Energy Accelerator Facility (LEAF) at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). The measurements of low power test were reported previously. In this paper, the results of high power test of the RFQ, including the test of the acceleration systems and beam profiles, will be presented.  
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About • paper received ※ 07 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 08 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO053 Status of the China Material Irradiation Facility RFQ 811
  • C.X. Li, W.L. Chen, W.P. Dou, Z. Gao, Y. He, G. Huang, C.L. Li, L. Lu, W. Ma, A. Shi, L.B. Shi, L.P. Sun, F.F. Wang, W.B. Wang, Z.J. Wang, Q. Wu, X.B. Xu, L. Yang, P.Y. Yu, B. Zhang, J.H. Zhang, P. Zhang, T.M. Zhu
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Funding: Supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program of China (Grant No.2014GB104001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.91426303).
The pulsed high power test and beam test of the China Material Irradiation Facility RFQ have been implemented. Before this, the radio frequency measurements and tuning are performed. In this paper, the processes and results of the radio frequency measurements, tuning, pulsed high power test and beam test will be presented. The results of tests are in good agreement with the design.
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO054 Recent Progress of a CW 4-rod RFQ for the SSC-LINAC 814
  • Z.S. Li, Y. Cong, H. Du, Y. He, L. Jing, Q.Y. Kong, X.N. Li, J. Meng, G.D. Shen, K.D. Wang, Z.J. Wang, W. Wei, J.X. Wu, J.W. Xia, H.M. Xie, W.J. Xie, Z. Xu, J.C. Yang, Y.Q. Yang, X. Yin, Y.J. Yuan, Y. Zhang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  • Y.R. Lu
    PKU, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  The SSC-LINAC is under design and construction as a linear injector for the Separated-Sector Cyclotron (SSC) of the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). The continuous-wave (CW) 4-rod radio-frequency quad-rupole (RFQ) of the SSC-LINAC has important progress in past years. In the autumn of 2016, the cavity has been operated with 35 kW on CW mode in automatic RF con-trolled mode during RF power commissioning, which is needed to accelerate 238U34+ beams. The beam transmis-sion efficiency, transverse emittance and energy spread has been obtained in beam commissioning. In this paper, the results of experiments will be presented and discussed in detail.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO068 AN Effect of Field Emission on Low Beta Superconducting Cavities 849
SPWR011   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • X. Liu, Z. Gao, Y. He, G. Huang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Superconducting RF (SRF) technology is widely ap-plied in particle accelerators to shorten the accelerator length and lower the construction price due to its high acceleration gradients with low rf losses. Field emission is the chief limitation associated with the surface electric field which will finally determine the cavity performance during the operation. The pickup-drop signal caused by field emission seriously affect the stable operation of the superconducting linac in the Chinese initiative Accelera-tor-Driven Sub-critical System (CiADS) demon facility. Simulations of the field emission effect and experimental measurements of the pickup-drop signal have been per-formed on the half wavelength resonator (HWR) cavity. And a modified design of the pickup antenna will be discussed to solve the pickup-drop problem.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 09 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO069 The Electromagnetic Optimization of TE-sample Host Cavity at IMP 852
  • S.C. Huang, Y. He, T. Tan, S.X. Zhang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  As a part of the research and development work of thin-film materials for superconducting radio frequency(SRF) application in future accelerators at IMP, a 3.9GHz TE sample host cavity is being developed for the purpose of characterizing the RF Property and the loss mechanism of thin-film materials, which operates in the TE011 mode and accommodates disk sample with 110mm diameter, theoretically, the maximum magnetic field on sample surface will go up to 100mT, the resolution of surface resistance on sample will below nOhm by using thermometry technique( T-Mapping). In this paper, the electromagnetic optimization result of TE-sample host cavity will be presented, and the design consideration of hook tip style coupler and T-mapping system are also discussed.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 08 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO090 The Analysis of Module Failure in High Solid-state Amplifier for High Current RFQ 886
  • L.P. Sun, Y. He, G. Huang, C.X. Li, L. Lu, A. Shi, L.B. Shi, X.B. Xu, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  New accelerator RF system was upgraded to the solid-state amplifier in ADS project due to its stable, sustainable and reliable. Until now, newest 80kW SSA was adopted in IMP, operating in 162.5MHz, and over 120 power modules were combined through several synthesizers for 80kW output. but since too many modules were optimized for amplitude and phase in the same time, one or some failure of circulator will lead to injure of whole RF system, when wavelength meets a specific condition, injure would turn out severe accident and heavy loss. In this paper, analyzing and simulating the multi-level synthetic matrix was the important method for ADS accident happened in June 20. 2017, the failure simulated results for RF amplify links under the specific circumstances also was presented simultaneously.  
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About • paper received ※ 17 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 31 October 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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