Author: Corbet, J.
Paper Title Page
MOPO101 LINAC-multitool - an Open Source Java-toolkit 217
  • M. Schwarz, D. Bade, J. Corbet, H. Podlech
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by BMBF contr. No. 05P15RFRBA and HIC for FAIR
Dedicating more precious time to advanced research instead of spending it towards timeconsuming routine tasks is a desirable goal in particle accelerator simulation and development. Requirements engineering was started at IAP in order to identify routine processes at our institute’s R&D that can be automated or simplified. Results indicated that there were several areas to consider: Bead pull measurements, data processing and visualization for the beam dynamics code LORASR, CST field map processing for the use with TraceWin, conversion between different particle distribution data formats and more. Subsequently development of the LINAC-Multitool started to rationalize these processes and replace preexisting scripts also to ensure consistency of results and increase transparency and reliability of computation. In order to guarantee maintainability, expandability and platform independence, LINAC-Multitool is programmed using Java and will be open source. This contribution presents the current state of development.
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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