The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
TY - CONF AU - Moisieienko, M. AU - Bezditko, O. AU - Mytsykov, A. AU - Zelinsky, A.Y. ED - Pei, Guoxi ED - Schaa, Volker RW ED - Chin, Yong Ho ED - Fu, Shinian ED - Zhao, Ning TI - Electron Gun for 100 MeV / 100 kW Linear Accelerator of Electrons as the Driver of Nuclear Subcritical Assembly Neutron Source J2 - Proc. of LINAC2018, Beijing, China, 16-21 September 2018 CY - Beijing, China T2 - Linear Accelerator Conference T3 - 29 LA - english AB - 100 MeV / 100 kW linear electron accelerator of The "neutron source" nuclear subcritical assembly uses the 120 KW triode electron gun as the primary source of electrons. The gun is designed, manufactured and tested at IHEP, Beijing, China. At present, the gun is installed, tested. The maximum impulse current of the gun equal to 2 A. Under design operation, the impulse current of the gun equal to 0.55 A.The report describes the construction of a 120 kV triode electron gun, the results of testing and test operation. PB - JACoW Publishing CP - Geneva, Switzerland SP - 323 EP - 325 DA - 2019/01 PY - 2019 SN - 2226-0366 SN - 978-3-95450-194-6 DO - DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2018-TUPO002 UR - ER -