Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Microbunching in Bunch Compressors       11
  M. Borland (ANL)    
  Design of a Chopper Line for the CERN SPL       76
  A. Lombardi, F. Caspers, K. Hanke, A. Millich, A. Mostacci, M. Paoluzzi, M. Vretenar (CERN)    
  Nanosecond Microstructure Creation of the Low Energy Negative Ion Beam       115
  A. V. Novikov-Borodin (INR)    
  Beam Behavior through the Chopper System in the SNS Linac       130
  S. Nath, L. M. Young, J. E. Stovall (LANL), D. Jeon, S. H. Kim (ORNL), K. Crandall (TechSource)    
  The SNS Front End LLRF System       373
  L. Doolittle, C. C. Lo, M. Monroy, A. Ratti (LBNL)    
  Diagnostic and Numerical Studies of the IPNS Linac with a Recently Installed Buncher Amplifier       439
  J. C. Dooling, L. I. Donley, G. E. McMichael , and V. F. Stipp (ANL)