A short pre-conference SPMS Developers will take place on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, 12 and 13 November - by invitation only.
The Team Meeting proper will take place from Monday to Thursday, 14 to 17 November.
The JACoW TM Programme is now on SPMS. Login to your JACoW Account. If you have an oral presentation, you will see it.
If not, you can search over the presentations scheduled by Todd.
You can see the Agenda here.
Todd is still "tweaking" the programme. If you wish to modify slightly the Abstract of your presentation, please contact him to discuss it such that we retain a coherence across the whole programme.
We will try to organize a "summing up" of each session to record decisions and actions.
Just prior to presentations, the files should be uploaded in both ppt and pdf format (_talk). A number of presentations could also be written up as contributions to the proceedings - all speakers should feel free to expand upon their presentations via these contributions. These files will be used by Volker to generate the Proceedings.
The guidelines for upload of transparencies and contributions will be available shortly.
Editors of JACoW events should not hesitate to share this invitation with colleagues who may benefit from learning more about the SPMS.
An excursion will be proposed for Friday, 18 November.