The scripts are available on application from JACoW - but they come without support or guarantees !
You need the visual basic script environment, if necessary you can download the latest version (free) here:
(or just search for "Microsoft Windows Script 5.6"...)
The documentation is here:
To run a script, you just double click on the script file in the windows explorer.
In all the scripts which connect the database to fetch data, I include (with the line: <script language="VBScript" src="adovbs.wsf"/>), the file adovbs.wsf (You will find it in all zipped files attached) You can use this file as it is. It contains constants and definitions used for connecting the database...
I've used Acrobat 5.0.5 and Pitstop 5.01 and Impress Pro v2.0.
For setting the paper size to JACoW standards (we should call this: "resizing the media box"):
I don't use any script but I've downloaded Enfocus Pitstop server 2.0 (trial version) :
You set a "hot" folder (the folder where your PDF are located) then you can select the actions that you set in the Action list panel in Pitstop Pro (the acrobat plug-in, not the server version...). I've created an action slightly different than the one used for the processing:
I've removed the crop box and resized the media box...the sequence for this action is the following:
Select All
Remove Crop Box
Select All
Resize Media box (Upper right 595 x 792 pt)
You set the output folders (success and failure) in the Folder tab.
You activate the Hot Folder in the General tab.
It starts processing all the PDF files in the Hot folder.
In most cases, it worked fine, but I found out about 10 PDF files out of 919 with the content shifted upward....
Numbering the pages:
I've used the script insertPageNumberFromDB.wsf (in
It connects the database to retrieve the PAPER_CODE and PAGENUMBER .
It simulate the keyboard input by sending commands to acrobat and Impress Pro (similar to the winbatch script).
First you have to configure Impress pro.
For EPAC 2002, Two steps were required:
Apply the string "Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France" at the top of the page
Apply the page numbers at the bottom
I've set up these two actions, the first one is:
Text : "Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France"
Justification : centre
Layer : Foreground
Font: Times-Roman
size: 10 normal
Page range: All Page
Position: Custom
Horiz: 297
Vert: 35
Units: Point
From : Top
Color: Black
Page Spread : Odd and Even Page
and save this configuration with the name "middlec"
The second action:
Text : <PageNumber:3> the number 3 will be changed by the script for every paper
Justification : centre
Layer : Foreground
Font: Times-Roman
size: 10 normal
Page range: All Page
Position: Custom
Horiz: 297
Vert: 35
Units: Point
From : Bottom
Color: Black
Page Spread : Odd and Even Page
and save this configuration with the name "middlen"
In the script insertPageNumberFromDB.wsf, you must change:
- the "strSourceFolder" variable. It's the location (path) of the PDFs.
- the line:
dbConnection.ConnectionString ="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};server=WRITE_THE_SERVER_NAME_HERE;Uid=WRITE_THE_DBU_NAME_HERE;Pwd=WRITE_THE_PASSWORD_HERE"
You may have to change the "WScript.Sleep" lines (the script is asynchronous, you need to stop it with the sleep procedure, otherwise, it runs faster than Acrobat and Impress Pro are able to process the commands sent....). The time delays are a function of the processing speed on the particular computer.
I've noticed that a few papers had been processed two times due to the fact that the script may start processing the next paper although the previous paper is not yet finished ...
Hidden Fields:
I've used the "setHiddenFieldsFromDB.wsf" script (in
For all the PDF in a folder (the parameter of the SetHiddenFields method):
It reads the name of the PDF file (e.g.:THPDO004.pdf), extracts the paper code "THPDO004" from this filename
Search for the hidden field in the database for this paper code (THPDO004)
Then using Acrobat IAC see :
Acrobat Interapplication Communication Reference (IAC):
In open the PDF file, enter the hidden fields, Create the thumbnails, and save it optimized.
Misc. :
In the file, you will find two scripts:
getPageNumberAndPageSize.vbs which opens all the PDF files in a folder, counts the number of page, checks the size of all the pages (If it's not 595 x 792, it write a comment in the log file.)
getPageNumberFromDB.wsf compares the number of page in the database against the real number of page in the PDF file.
If the two numbers are different, a comment is written in the log file.
In, the script createHTMLFilesForKeywords.wsf generates (from the informations in the database) all (except the parent frame) the html files for the keywords index, see:
In, the script createHTMLFilesForTOC.wsf generates (from the informations in the database) all (except the parent frame) the html files for the Table of content, see:
In, the script createHTMLFilesForAuthorsIndex.wsf generates (from the informations in the database) all (except the parent frame) the html files for the Authors Index, see: