Summary Notes of the First APAC/EPAC/PAC Joint Web Site Committee Meeting
held on Wednesday, 14 May from 16h00 to 18h00
Garibaldi Room, Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver

Persons Present:
Ilan Ben-Zvi, Martin Comyn, Yong Ho Chin, Yanglai Cho, Michael Craddock, Leif Liljeby, Peter Lucas, Bill McDowell, Steve Myers, Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, John Poole, John Smith, Koji Takata, Marion White, Yoshi Yamazaki

Martin Reiser, Bob Siemann, Sergio Tazzari, Bill Weng

1. Introduction

Ilan Ben-Zvi welcomes the persons present and recalls the motivation behind the organization of the present meeting.

The original suggestion to create a Joint PAC/EPAC Web Site for the Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conferences is amended to include the newly created Asian Particle Accelerator Conference (this will take place for the first time in March 1998 at KEK). A revised draft proposal is attached in Annex 1. Additional conferences may be added following formal policy decisions to be taken by the respective Organizing Committees. It is anticipated that the OC's of APAC, EPAC and PAC will shortly formally approve the creation of Joint Web Sites for Particle Accelerator Proceedings and that the present meeting should thus be devoted to organizational and technical matters.

APAC/EPAC/PAC Joint Web Site Committee

While the OC's will decide policy, it is decided to create a committee to decide on procedures and debate the technical questions. Upon Ilan Ben-Zvi's proposal, John Poole agrees to chair the Committee. Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz volunteers to act as Secretary. Their mandate is up to the next conference (EPAC'98, Stockholm). The list of Permanent Committee Members remains to be decided. The question of financial support to attend meetings is raised by J. Poole who underlines that it may be necessary for the conference hosts to foresee some travel money.

2. PAC 95 Update

Ilan Ben-Zvi informs the Committee that Bob Siemann has approached the IEEE requesting the release of the copyright for the PAC'95 Proceedings. Mike Craddock adds that to his knowledge the question is under discussion with IEEE and he is optimistic that the question will shortly be solved.

3. Review of EPAC's Electronic Publishing

John Poole presents a review of experience gained with the electronic publication of the Proceedings of EPAC'96 (transparencies reproduced in Annex 2). He underlines that it is essential for the Committee to be aware of the complexity of the task in order to appreciate the investment which will be required in the future to converge on standard practices and templates.

The primary aims for EPAC'96 were:

  • to educate authors (through seminars, publishing help on WWW, the preparation of templates and feedback to authors at the conference),
  • to produce a highly performant and professional product
  • in as short a time as possible (in approximately 4 months the CD's were in the hands of the authors).

    To meet the aims outlined above, significant resources are required, both in hard-, software, and in manpower.

    Some of the interesting points discussed following John's presentation are reproduced below:

  • It is necessary to invest some effort in the preparation of standardized templates.
  • Education of authors is crucial and should lead to fewer problems for the editors in future years. EPAC'96 formed a group of volunteers from major laboratories to test templates and this should be continued.
  • A suggestion to encourage laboratories to purchase the Acrobat Distiller software to enable authors to check distilling quality prior to submission of the files at the conference is felt very interesting and could reduce the number of problems for editors at and following the conferences.

    4. Status and Plans for PAC'97 Electronic Publishing

    Martin Comyn reports briefly on the status so far. Approximately 60% of the papers (1500 pages) have so far been submitted. Very few authors submit more than the allowed length (5 pages for invited papers, 3 pages for all other contributions) and he notes that some have submitted fewer pages. Approximately 50% of the participants have requested the Proceedings in CD-form (the figure for EPAC'96 was 30%).

    5. Web Site Committee Activity and Planning

    Web Site Locations

  • CERN,
  • ANL and Vancouver (mirror sites),
  • KEK (mirror site).

    A Sub-Committee composed of Martin Comyn, Bill McDowell and John Poole will decide in the near future what the Web Sites should look like. The initial aim is to have something up and working in the Autumn of this year.

    The PAC'97 files should be available on the Web by the autumn of this year.
    Action: Martin Comyn

    It is highly likely that in the not too distant future a search engine will be available for the Web and developments will be closely monitored. J. Smith has passed some information to John Poole who will follow this up.
    Action: John Poole

    6. Longer Term Planning

    Activities between now and EPAC'98 and PAC'99

    Ilan Ben-Zvi is eager to collaborate with EPAC and PAC'2001 to develop a unified mechanism for automated submission of files perhaps even prior to the conference. Although such a system may be a little premature for present planning, it is clear that to encourage laboratories to purchase Acrobat Distiller software to familiarize them with the technology is already a step in the right direction. It may also be possible to make Distiller software available over the Web for authors to check themselves and John will investigate. This however cannot solve the problems of the authors who do not follow the instructions and who do not use the templates. Hopefully our present efforts to educate authors will eventually pay off and we may look forward to meeting fewer deliberate sinners in future.
    Action: John Poole

    The very automated submission of abstracts to PAC'97 in LaTeX format removed a lot of effort for the Programme Committee. However, it was the cause of a lot of frustration for authors submitting abstracts (when not familiar with LaTeX) and there was a rather large amount of difficulty for TRIUMF to create a useful database for the receipt of the files at the conference. EPAC's Scientific Secretariat could provide some feedback to PAC about the way the database has so far been managed.
    Action: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz

    7. Next Meeting

    A meeting will be scheduled during EPAC'98. All other communications will be made by e-mail.

    Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz

    Annex 1: Revised Draft Proposal for a Joint APAC/EPAC/PAC Proceedings Web Site
    Annex 2: John Poole's transparencies

    Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz Last update : June 1997