WEYGBD —  MC2 Orals   (02-May-18   11:00—12:30)
Chair: T. Schietinger, PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Paper Title Page
WEYGBD1 12 GeV CEBAF Initial Operational Experience and Challenges 1771
  • M. F. Spata
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  The 12 GeV Upgrade for the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) achieved CD-4B, or Project Completion, on September 27, 2017. The 13-year $338M project doubled the beam energy of the CEBAF accelerator while also adding a fourth experimental hall. The scope of work for the accelerator complex was completed in 2014. Over the subsequent three years the upgrades for the experimental halls were completed, beamlines and spectrometers commissioned and transitions made to production running for the Nuclear Physics program. This paper will present an overview of the operational experience gained during initial accelerator commissioning through the recent achievements of simultaneous 4-Hall operations at full beam power.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEYGBD1  
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WEYGBD2 Status of the Radiation Damage on the European XFEL Undulator Systems 1776
  • F. Wolff-Fabris, J. Pflüger
    XFEL. EU, Schenefeld, Germany
  • F. Hellberg
    Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
  • F. Schmidt-Föhre
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL GmbH is a new X-ray FEL user facility and started lasing in 2017. Three gap movable SASE Undulator Systems are designed to produce FELs with tunable wavelengths from 0.05 to 5.2nm [*,**]. A total of 91 5-m long undulator segments based on hybrid NdFeB permanent magnet technology were tuned respecting tight specifications. Radiation damage due to machine operation affects the magnetic properties of the segments and the quality of the SASE process. An array of dosimeters based on Radfets [***] and Gafchromic films monitors the absorbed doses in every undulator segment and each SASE system is equipped with a 12mm gap diagnostic undulator (DU) which is magnetically re-measured during machine maintenance weeks. Doses up to 4 kGy have been observed and magnetic field degradation higher than 3% is measured. These results permit to estimate the effects of radiation damage and life expectancy of the Undulator Systems based on the precise K-parameter determination for beam operation. We will present the results of magnetic re-measurements on the Undulator Systems, the details of the effects of radiation damage and future plans to maximize the beam quality and operation.
* M. Altarelli et al., Tech. Design Rep. DESY 2006-097, July 2007.
** E. Schneidmiller et al., Eur. XFEL Tech. Rep. TR-2011-006, Sep. 2011.
*** F. Schmidt-Föhre et al., IPAC-2018 contribution.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEYGBD2  
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WEYGBD3 The CERN Gamma Factory Initiative: An Ultra-High Intensity Gamma Source 1780
  • M.W. Krasny
    LPNHE, Paris, France
  • R. Alemany-Fernández, H. Bartosik, N. Biancacci, P. Czodrowski, B. Goddard, S. Hirlaender, J.M. Jowett, R. Kersevan, M. Kowalska, M.W. Krasny, M. Lamont, D. Manglunki, A.V. Petrenko, M. Schaumann, C. Yin Vallgren, F. Zimmermann
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • P.S. Antsifarov
    Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Science, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Apyan
    ANSL, Yerevan, Armenia
  • E.G. Bessonov
    LPI, Moscow, Russia
  • J. Bieron, K. Dzierzega, W. Placzek, S. Pustelny
    Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
  • D. Budker
    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Institut für Physik, Mainz, Germany
  • K. Cassou, I. Chaikovska, R. Chehab, K. Dupraz, A. Martens, Z.F. Zomer
    LAL, Orsay, France
  • F. Castelli
    Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
  • C. Curatolo, L. Serafini
    Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
  • K. Kroeger
    FSU Jena, Jena, Germany
  • V. Petrillo
    Universita' degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Milano, Italy
  • V.P. Shevelko
    LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • T. Stöhlker
    HIJ, Jena, Germany
  • G. Weber
    IOQ, Jena, Germany
  • Y.K. Wu
    FEL/Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  • M.S. Zolotorev
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  This contribution discusses the possibility of broadening the present CERN research programme making use of a novel concept of light source. The proposed, Partially Stripped Ion beam driven, light source is the backbone of the Gamma Factory (GF) initiative. It could be realized at CERN by using the infrastructure of the already existing accelerators. It could push the intensity limits of the presently operating light-sources by up to 7 orders of magnitude, reaching fluxes of 1017 photons/s in the interesting gamma-ray energy domain between 1 MeV and 400 MeV. The GF light-source cannot be replaced, in this energy domain, by a FEL source as long as the multi TeV electron beams are not available. Its intensity is beyond the reach of the Inverse Compton Scattering sources. The unprecedented-intensity, energy-tuned gamma beams, together with the gamma-beams-driven secondary beams of polarized leptons, neutrinos, neutrons and radioactive ions are the basic research tools of the proposed Gamma Factory. A broad spectrum of new opportunities, in a vast domain of uncharted fundamental and applied physics territories, could be opened by the Gamma Factory research programme.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEYGBD3  
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Inverse Free-Electron-Laser Based Inverse Compton Scattering: an All-Optical 5th Generation Light Source  
  • J.B. Rosenzweig
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA
  Compact monochromatic X-ray sources based on very high field acceleration and very short period undulators may revolutionize diverse advanced X-ray applications ranging from novel X-ray therapy techniques to active interrogation of materials, by making them accessible in cost and size. Such compactness may be obtained by an all-optical approach, which employs a laser-driven high gradient accelerator based on inverse free electron laser (IFEL), followed by an inverse Compton scattering (ICS) IP, a scheme where a laser is used as an undulator. We discuss experimental progress in understanding high-intensity effects in ICS, as well as the development of an efficient IFEL. We then describe the proof-of-principle of an all-optical IFEL-based system , where a TW-class CO2 laser pulse is split in two, with half used to accelerate a high quality electron beam up to 84 MeV through the IFEL interaction, and the other half acts as an electromagnetic undulator to generate up to 13 keV X-rays via ICS. These results demonstrate the feasibility of this scheme, which can be joined with other techniques such as laser recirculation to yield very compact, high brilliance, keV to MeV photon sources.  
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