Paper | Title | Page |
Development of a 15 T Model Dipole for a Very High Energy Hadron Collider | |
The U.S. Magnet Development Program (MDP) is developing advanced accelerator magnet technology for future hadron colliders. In this context, a 15 T Nb3Sn dipole is being built and tested at Fermilab. This invited talk presents and discusses magnet design features and results including quench performance and magnetic measurements. | ||
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TUZGBE2 | Final-focus Superconducting Magnets for SuperKEKB | 1215 |
The SuperKEKB collider aims at 40 times higher luminosity than that achieved at KEKB, based on the nano-beam scheme. The vertical beta function at the interaction point will be squeezed to 300μmeter. Final-focus superconducting magnet system which consists of eight main quadrupole magnets, 43 corrector windings, and compensation solenoids is a key component to achieve high luminosity. This invited talk presents the construction and commissioning of the final-focus magnet system. | ||
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TUZGBE3 | Towards Implementation of Laser Engineered Surface Structures for Electron Cloud Mitigation | 1220 |
The LHC operation has proven that the electron cloud could be a significant limiting factor in machine performance, in particular for future High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) beams. Electron clouds, generated by electron multipacting in the beam pipes, leads to beam instabilities and beam-induced heat load in cryogenic systems. Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) is a novel surface treatment which changes the morphology of the internal surfaces of vacuum chambers. The surface modification results in a reduced secondary electron yield (SEY) and, consequently, in the eradication of the electron multipacting. Low SEY values of the treated surfaces and flexibility in choosing the laser parameters make LESS a promising treatment for future accelerators. LESS can be applied both in new and existing accelerators owing to the possibility of automated in-situ treatment. This approach has been developed and optimised for the LHC beam screens in which the electron cloud has to be mitigated before the HL-LHC upgrade. We will present the latest steps towards the implementation of LESS. | ||
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TUZGBE4 | Toward High-Power High-Gradient Testing of mm-Wave Standing-Wave Accelerating Structures | 1224 |
Funding: This work is supported in part by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 (SLAC) and DE-SC0015566 (MIT). We will preliminary testing results for single-cell accelerating structures intended for high-gradient testing at 110 GHz. The purpose of this work is to study the basic physics of ultrahigh vacuum RF breakdown in high-gradient RF accelerators. The accelerating structures consist of pi-mode standing-wave cavities fed with TM01 circular waveguide mode. We fabricated of two structures one in copper and the other in CuAg alloy. Cold RF tests confirm the design RF performance of the structures. The geometry and field shape of these accelerating structures is as close as practical to single-cell standing-wave X-band accelerating structures more than 40 of which were tested at SLAC. This wealth of X-band data will serve as a baseline for these 110 GHz tests. The structures will be powered with a MW gyrotron oscillator that produces microsecond pulses. One megawatt of RF power from the gyrotron may allow us to reach a peak accelerating gradient of 400 MeV/m. |
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TUZGBE5 | A Combined Temperature and Magnetic Field Mapping System for SRF Cavities | 1228 |
In the past decade, a significant improvement of SRF cavity performance has been achieved, yet a number of performance limiting mechanisms, such as magnetic flux trapping, still exist. We present a diagnostics tool which combines flux expulsion measurement during the superconducting phase transition with temperature mapping during operation. This system has a time resolution for both temperature and magnetic field mapping of 2 ms for full cavity coverage, so that short-lived events, including cavity quenches, can easily be resolved. | ||
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