Paper | Title | Page |
THYGBF1 | High Power Beam Operation of the J-PARC RCS and MR | 2938 |
This invited talk presents the most recent status of improving J-PARC main ring (MR) beam operation together with the rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) effort. The RCS has optimized the beam performance for the MR injection as well as the muon and neutron targets, where each requires different emittance and beam halo size. The MR has two extraction modes; fast extraction (FX) for the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, T2K, and slow extraction (SX) for experiments in the hadron experimental facility. At present, achieved beam intensities are 2.4·1014 protons per pulse (ppp) with cycle time 2.48 s (470 kW) in the FX mode and 5.1013 ppp with cycle time 5.52 s (44 kW) in the SX mode. For the FX operation, recent improvements are settings of new betatron tune, corrections of resonances near the betatron tune, and adopting 2nd harmonic rf voltage to reduce space charge effect. Beam instabilities have been suppressed with controlling chromaticity correction and transverse feedback systems. For the SX mode, a dynamic bump scheme for reducing extracted beam loss is successfully adopted. A high extraction efficiency of 99.5 % is achieved at the 44 kW beam operation. | ||
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THYGBF2 | PIP-II Injector Test Warm Front End: Commissioning Update | 2943 |
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics The Warm Front End (WFE) of the Proton Improvement Plan II Injector Test [1] at Fermilab has been constructed to its full length. It includes a 15-mA DC, 30-keV H− ion source, a 2 m-long Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) with a switching dipole magnet, a 2.1 MeV CW RFQ, followed by a Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) with various diagnostics and a dump. This report presents the commissioning status, focusing on beam measurements in the MEBT. In particular, a beam with the parameters required for injection into the Booster (5 mA, 0.55 ms macro-pulse at 20 Hz) was transported through the WFE. |
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THYGBF3 | Challenges of FAIR Phase 0 | 2947 |
After two-year's shutdown, the GSI accelerators plus the latest addition of storage ring CRYRING, will be back into operation in 2018 as the FAIR phase 0 with the goal to fulfill the needs of scientific community and the FAIR accelerators and detector development. Even though GSI has been well known for its operation of a variety of ion beams ranging from proton up to uranium for multi research areas such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, biophysics, material science, the upcoming beam time faces a number of challenges in re-commissioning its existing circular accelerators with brand new control system and upgrade of beam instrumentations, as well as in rising failures of dated components and systems. The cycling synchrotron SIS18 has been undergoing a set of upgrade measures for fulfilling future FAIR operation, among which many measures will also be commissioned during the upcoming beam time. This paper presents the highlights of the challenges such as re-establishing the high intensity heavy ion operation as well as parallel operation mode for serving multi users. The status of preparation including commissioning results will also be reported. | ||
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THYGBF4 | Accelerator Physics Advances in FRIB (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) | 2950 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. DOE Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661 and the NSF under Cooperative Agreement PHY-1102511, the State of Michigan and Michigan State University. This paper presents recent developments of accelerator physics related topics for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) being built at Michigan State University. While extensive beam dynamics simulations including all known errors do not show uncontrolled beam losses in the linac, ion beam contaminants extracted from the ECR ion source together with main ion beam can produce significant losses after the charge stripper. These studies resulted in development of beam collimation system at relatively low energy of 16 MeV/u and room temperature bunchers instead of originally planned superconducting ones. Commissioning of the Front End enabled detailed beam physics studies accompanied with the simulations using several beam dynamics codes. Settings of beam optics devices from the ECR to MEBT has been developed and applied to meet important project milestones. Similar work is planned for the beam commissioning of the first 3 cryomodules in the superconducting linac. |
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