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RIS citation export for WEPHA161: Revisiting the Bunch-Synchronized Data Acquisition System for the European XFEL Accelerator

AU  - Wilksen, T.
AU  - Aghababyan, A.
AU  - Fröhlich, L.
AU  - Hensler, O.
AU  - Kammering, R.
AU  - Rehlich, K.
AU  - Rybnikov, V.
ED  - White, Karen S.
ED  - Brown, Kevin A.
ED  - Dyer, Philip S.
ED  - Schaa, Volker RW
TI  - Revisiting the Bunch-Synchronized Data Acquisition System for the European XFEL Accelerator
J2  - Proc. of ICALEPCS2019, New York, NY, USA, 05-11 October 2019
CY  - New York, NY, USA
T2  - International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
T3  - 17
LA  - english
AB  - After about two years in operation the bunch-synchronized data acquisition as used with the accelerator control system at the European XFEL is being revisited and reevaluated. As we have now gained quite some experience with the current system design it was found to have shortfalls specifically with respect to the offered methods for data retrieval and management. In the context of modern data collection and management technologies readily in use by huge internet companies, new frameworks are being evaluated as a control-system independent replacement for data reduction, processing and online analysis. The main focus here is currently put on streaming technologies. Different approaches are being discussed in this paper and reviewed for feasibility and adaptability for control system architectures used at DESY’s accelerator facilities.
PB  - JACoW Publishing
CP  - Geneva, Switzerland
SP  - 1460
EP  - 1464
KW  - controls
KW  - data-acquisition
KW  - electron
KW  - interface
DA  - 2020/08
PY  - 2020
SN  - 2226-0358
SN  - 978-3-95450-209-7
DO  - doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA161
UR  - https://jacow.org/icalepcs2019/papers/wepha161.pdf
ER  -