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@InProceedings{boychenko:icalepcs2019-wepha139, author = {S. Boychenko and P. Martel and B. Schofield}, title = {{Scaling Up the Deployment and Operation of an ELK Technology Stack}}, booktitle = {Proc. ICALEPCS'19}, pages = {1431--1435}, paper = {WEPHA139}, language = {english}, keywords = {monitoring, SCADA, controls, operation, framework}, venue = {New York, NY, USA}, series = {International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems}, number = {17}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {08}, year = {2020}, issn = {2226-0358}, isbn = {978-3-95450-209-7}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA139}, url = {}, note = {}, abstract = {Since its integration into the CERN industrial controls environment, the SCADA Statistics project has become a valuable asset for controls engineers and hardware experts in their daily monitoring and maintenance tasks. The adoption of the tool outside of the Industrial Controls and Safety Systems group scope is currently being evaluated by ALICE, since they have similar requirements for alarms and value changes monitoring in their experiment. The increasing interest in scaling up the SCADA Statistics project with new customers has motivated the review of the infrastructure deployment, configuration management and service maintenance policies. In this paper we present the modifications we have integrated in order to improve its configuration flexibility, maintainability and reliability. With this improved solution we believe we can propose our solution to a wider scope of customers.}, }