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RIS citation export for WEPHA138: Orbit Correction With Machine Learning Techniques at the Synchrotron Light Source DELTA

AU  - Schirmer, D.
ED  - White, Karen S.
ED  - Brown, Kevin A.
ED  - Dyer, Philip S.
ED  - Schaa, Volker RW
TI  - Orbit Correction With Machine Learning Techniques at the Synchrotron Light Source DELTA
J2  - Proc. of ICALEPCS2019, New York, NY, USA, 05-11 October 2019
CY  - New York, NY, USA
T2  - International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
T3  - 17
LA  - english
AB  - In the last years, artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a renaissance in many fields. AI-based concepts are nature-inspired and can also be used in the field of accelerator controls. At DELTA, various studies on this subject were conducted in the past. Among other possible applications, the use of neural networks for automated correction of the electron beam position (orbit control) is of interest. Machine learning (ML) simulations with a DELTA storage ring model were already successful. Recently, conventional Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) were trained on measured orbits to apply local and global beam position corrections to the 1.5 GeV storage ring DELTA. First experimental results are presented and compared with other orbit control methods.
PB  - JACoW Publishing
CP  - Geneva, Switzerland
SP  - 1426
EP  - 1430
KW  - network
KW  - storage-ring
KW  - electron
KW  - controls
KW  - synchrotron
DA  - 2020/08
PY  - 2020
SN  - 2226-0358
SN  - 978-3-95450-209-7
DO  - doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA138
UR  - https://jacow.org/icalepcs2019/papers/wepha138.pdf
ER  -