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RIS citation export for WEPHA083: ophyd Devices: Imposing Hierarchy on the Flat EPICS V3 Namespace

AU  - Lauer, K.R.
ED  - White, Karen S.
ED  - Brown, Kevin A.
ED  - Dyer, Philip S.
ED  - Schaa, Volker RW
TI  - ophyd Devices: Imposing Hierarchy on the Flat EPICS V3 Namespace
J2  - Proc. of ICALEPCS2019, New York, NY, USA, 05-11 October 2019
CY  - New York, NY, USA
T2  - International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
T3  - 17
LA  - english
AB  - EPICS V3 provides simple data types accessible over the network through Channel Access identified by a flat process variable (PV) name. This flexibility is often regarded as a strength of EPICS, as the user can easily pick and choose the information they require. However, such data is almost always inter-related in some manner, pushing the burden of reconstructing that relationship to the end-user/client. ophyd represents hardware in Python as hierarchical classes, grouping together related signals from the underlying control system. ophyd devices make imposing this hierarchy simple, readable, and descriptive. This structure allows ophyd to provide a consistent interface across a wide-range of devices, which can then be used by higher-level software for any number of tasks: from command-line inspection, to scanning/data collection (bluesky), or even automatic GUI generation (typhon, adviewer). ophyd contains a number of pre-built devices for common hardware (and IOCs) as well as the tools to build custom devices.
PB  - JACoW Publishing
CP  - Geneva, Switzerland
SP  - 1284
EP  - 1288
KW  - detector
KW  - interface
KW  - controls
KW  - status
DA  - 2020/08
PY  - 2020
SN  - 2226-0358
SN  - 978-3-95450-209-7
DO  - doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA083
UR  - https://jacow.org/icalepcs2019/papers/wepha083.pdf
ER  -