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RIS citation export for WEPHA065: Upgraded Beam Instrumentation DAQ for GSI and FAIR: Overview and First Experiences

AU  - Hoffmann, T.
AU  - Bräuning, H.
ED  - White, Karen S.
ED  - Brown, Kevin A.
ED  - Dyer, Philip S.
ED  - Schaa, Volker RW
TI  - Upgraded Beam Instrumentation DAQ for GSI and FAIR: Overview and First Experiences
J2  - Proc. of ICALEPCS2019, New York, NY, USA, 05-11 October 2019
CY  - New York, NY, USA
T2  - International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
T3  - 17
LA  - english
AB  - As construction of the FAIR accelerator complex progresses, the existing heavy ion synchroton SIS18, the storage ring ESR and the high energy beam transfer lines HEBT have been upgraded to the future control system. Within this upgrade the beam instrumentation (BI) data acquisition systems (DAQ) have been heavily modernized too. These are now integrated into the control system with its White Rabbit based timing system, data supply (i.e. ion species, energy, etc) and services like archiving. Dedicated clients running in the main control room allow visualization and correlation of the data and status of the BI devices. The DAQ hardware has been upgraded using new state-of-the-art components. With a trend to slowly phase out VME based systems, solutions based on standard Industrial PC for few channels as well as on the new µTCA standard for many channels have been successfully implemented. This contribution will give an overview over the upgraded BI-DAQ systems like current transformers and counter applications for ionization chambers, scintillators, and more. It will also present first experiences during beam operation with the new control system, which started summer last year.
PB  - JACoW Publishing
CP  - Geneva, Switzerland
SP  - 1248
EP  - 1252
KW  - controls
KW  - timing
KW  - injection
KW  - software
KW  - extraction
DA  - 2020/08
PY  - 2020
SN  - 2226-0358
SN  - 978-3-95450-209-7
DO  - doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA065
UR  - https://jacow.org/icalepcs2019/papers/wepha065.pdf
ER  -