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@InProceedings{brockhauser:icalepcs2019-wepha038, author = {S. Brockhauser and V. Bugris and K. Csankó and Zs. Filákovics and V. Hanyecz and P. Ács}, title = {{Extending Tango Control System With Kepler Workflow, Presented on an X-Ray Crystallographic Application}}, booktitle = {Proc. ICALEPCS'19}, pages = {1166--1171}, paper = {WEPHA038}, language = {english}, keywords = {controls, TANGO, experiment, interface, instrumentation}, venue = {New York, NY, USA}, series = {International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems}, number = {17}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {08}, year = {2020}, issn = {2226-0358}, isbn = {978-3-95450-209-7}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2019-WEPHA038}, url = {}, note = {}, abstract = {Nowadays there is a growing need for user friendly workflow editors in all fields of scientific research. A special interest group is present at big physics research facilities where instrumentation is mostly controlled by a robust, and reliable low level control software solution. Different types of specific experiments using predetermined automated protocols and on-line data processing with real-time feedback require a more flexible and abstract high level control system*. Beside flexibility and dynamism, easy usability is also required for researchers collaborating from several different fields. Tentatively, to test the ease and flexible usability, the Kepler workflow-engine was integrated with Tango**. It enables researchers to automate and document experiment protocols without any programming skill. The X-ray crystallography laboratory at the Biological Research Center of Hungarian Academy of Science (BRC) has implemented an example crystallographic workflow to test the integrated system. This development was performed in cooperation with ELI-ALPS.}, }