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Yoshii, K.

Paper Title Page
WEP047 Upgrade of Readout System for Beam Position Monitors in the KEKB Beam Transport Line 495
  • T. Aoyama, T. Nakamura, K. Yoshii
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, N. Iida, M. Satoh
    KEK, Ibaraki
  At the KEKB accelerator, electrons and positrons are injected from the LINAC to the storage ring through the beam transport (BT) line. LINAC had continuously injected each beam alternately every about a few minutes. In our linacs system, it is very important to switch acceleration devicesfrom electron mode to position and vica versa to keep high storage currents. To attain this, we have developed new readout system for the beam position monitors (BPMs) at the BT line, by which the fast monitoring is possible. For the old BPM system, it had been taken a few seconds to switch the beam modes and about one second to measure the beam positions. With the new system, measuring interval was achieved to be 20 msec, including switching time, and we demonstrated that new system contributed to stable beam operation. In this manuscript, we will report on a detail of the fast readout for the BT BPM system including its performance.  
THP100 Present Status and Upgrade of VME Computer in KEKB 874
  • K. Yoshii, T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, E. Kikutani, K. Mori, T. T. Nakamura
    KEK, Ibaraki
  We controlled main equipment of the accelerator used Epics based control system at KEKB. We had stabilized operation and development in basics as the upper limit,and Epics3.13, the CPU(PPC 6750) which we used from startup time now. However, the speedup of the network and the speedup of the CPU advanced, and the part that cannot correspond under the present conditions has become a problem gradually. Therefore, the necessity of Epics and CPU upgrade has gradually risen to us. We started developpment including upgrade CPU with PPC-MVME5500 and Epics with 3.14 form 2006 at KEKB. We have succeeded in the VME control by CPU PPC-MVME5500 which carried VXI, Trigger Reciver, PVME501, advme1522, Camac so far. We were realized fiveplaces of operation at present KEKB. In addition, the replacement is scheduled to be advanced as upgrade of CPU and Epics in the future based on the result. Here, this reports on the present status and upgrade of VME computer at KEKB.