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Verstovsek, I.

Paper Title Page
MOC004 Controls Request Tracker 1
  • K. S. White, S. M. Hartman, K.-U. Kasemir
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • I. Verstovsek
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy

Controls groups at large accelerators are routinely called upon to build and support controls for virtually all machine systems. While construction projects within the US DOE system are normally carefully planned and tracked by project management professionals, this support ends when construction milestones are met. However, once construction is complete, work continues as the group performs ongoing support and maintenance while also implementing requested system improvements and upgrades. With customers from virtually every accelerator and experiment group, the demands on the group often exceed the capacity of available resources. This type of diverse workload needs to be well organized and managed in order set proper priorities and ensure efficient use of resources. At SNS, we have collaborated with Cosylab to develop Controls Request Tracker (CRT), which is adapted from the Cosylab Project Manager (CPM) software. The resulting system not only provides standard request tracking features, but is interfaced to the SNS Logbook and work control system. This paper will discuss CRT and how we use it to manage the work of our controls group.

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THP047 A New DAQ Installation for the SIS18 Beam Position Monitoring System at GSI 759
  • T. Hoffmann, K. Höppner, P. Kowina, K. Lang, M. Schwickert
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • J. Bobnar, G. Jansa, S. Sah, M. Sekoranja, I. Verstovsek
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  The BPM system for the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 consists of 12 shoe-box pick-ups. Their analog signals are digitized by Libera Hadron units, manufactured by I-Tech, Slovenia. In addition, the Libera is used for an FPGA based online position calculation. Due to this high rate of 12 times 60 MB/s at 5 MHz bunch frequency, a dedicated 10 bit network is used to concentrate the data from all Liberas on two concentrator PCs. Besides all control actions, these PCs are running the DAQ server applications, developed and produced within the CERN made Front-End Software Architecture (FESA).These servers are also used for further data manipulation such as tune and closed orbit measurements. As a mediator between the FESA front-end and the JAVA GUI application level, the CMW/RDA middleware, also developed at CERN, is used. Due to the modular layout, the system is already extensible for the SIS 100 and SIS300 BPM systems at the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). The implementation of the high speed data transfer, the FESA servers and the Java GUI application is presented.