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Veeramani, A.

Paper Title Page
WEP078 Using EPICS Enabled Industrial Hardware for Upgrading Control Systems 555
  • A. Veeramani, T. F. Debelle
    National Instruments, Austin
  • E. Bjorklund
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  Los Alamos National Laboratory has been working with National Instruments (NI) and Cosylab to implement EPICS Input Output Controller (IOC) software that runs directly on NI Compact RIO Real Time Controller (RTC) and communicates with LabVIEW through shared memory interface. In this presentation, we will discuss our current progress of upgrading our neutron science center and what we have learned about integrating Compact RIO into large experimental physics facilities. We will also discuss the implications of using Channel Access Server for LabVIEW which will enable more commercial hardware platforms to be used in upgrading existing facilities or in commissioning new ones.  
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THD004 Options for Interfacing EPICS to COTS Hardware Through LabVIEW 913
  • A. Veeramani, T. F. Debelle
    National Instruments, Austin
  • W. Blokland, R. Dickson, A. P. Zhukov
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  Over the years, many have developed custom drivers to interface hardware to EPICS Input Output Controller (IOC). With LabVIEW having native drivers for supporting commercial hardware, development time can be reduced if an interface with LabVIEW and EPICS IOC was developed. This paper examines the different ways of interfacing LabVIEW and EPICS IOC both on VxWorks and Windows operating systems. Implementation of the Channel Access (CA) server on LabVIEW will also be covered along with the advantages and limitations of such an approach. The paper will also list the status of the different implementations at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratory.