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Van Arsdall, P. J.

Paper Title Page
TUP078 National Ignition Facility Project Completion and Control System Status 260
  • P. J. Van Arsdall, S. G. Azevedo, R. G. Beeler, R. M. Bryant, R. W. Carey, R. Demaret, J. M. Fisher, T. M. Frazier, L. J. Lagin, A. P. Ludwigsen, C. D. Marshall, D. G. Mathisen, R. K. Reed
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world's largest and most energetic laser experimental system providing a scientific center to study inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and matter at extreme energy densities and pressures. Completed in 2009, NIF is a stadium-sized facility containing a 1.8-MJ, 500-TW 192-beam ultraviolet laser and target chamber. A cryogenic tritium target system and suite of optical, X-ray and nuclear diagnostics will support experiments in a strategy to achieve fusion ignition starting in 2010. Automatic control of NIF is performed by the large-scale Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS), which is implemented by 2 MSLOC of Java and Ada running on 1300 front-end processors and servers. The ICCS framework uses CORBA distribution for interoperation between heterogeneous languages and computers. Laser setup is guided by a physics model and shots are coordinated by data-driven distributed workflow engines. The NIF information system includes operational tools and a peta-scale repository for provisioning experiment results. This talk discusses results achieved and the effort now underway to conduct full-scale operations and prepare for ignition.

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