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Tsai, Z.-D.

Paper Title Page
WEP079 Integrated Control and Archive System for Utility Facility 1
  • Z.-D. Tsai, J.-C. Chang, J.-R. Chen, C. H. Kuo, J.-M. Lee
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  In the accelerator field, the utility system, including cooling water, cooling air, electric power etc. must proceed the reliable and stable control. These systems almost cover all locations of accelerator instrument and require integrating all the hybrid control systems. A novel data exchange mechanism via Ethernet or wireless Ethernet is developed to provide the distributed PCs, PLCs(Programmable Logical Controller), PACs(Programmable Automation Controller) and embedded devices with reliable communication. The system also introduces a platform with real-time status to view, control, analyze and alert. The users can access online and offline data by adequate viewers. The mechanism benefits all system maintenance, operation, management and analysis.