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Toko, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP091 Upgrade of the Accelerator Radiation Safety System for SPring-8 579
  • C. Saji, H. Hanaki, M. Kago, T. Masuda, T. Matsushita, H. Ohkuma, K. Soutome, S. Suzuki, M. Takao, R. Tanaka, M. Toko, H. Yonehara
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  The accelerator safety interlock system to protect persons from radiation hazard induced by electron beams and synchrotron radiation has been operating over a decade in SPring-8. This system is monitoring the safety condition of accelerator components and stops injection electron beams in case of the failure, and stored electron beams are aborted if necessary. SPring-8 complex is composed of five accelerator/beam-transport areas. The injection beam direction can be frequently changed between the two accelerator areas; SPring-8 storage ring and NewSUBARU storage ring. Therefore, the safety interlock system was built introducing the idea of the "operation mode" control system. Once one of the operation modes is selected, the electron beams transport route is defined uniquely. The operation mode control system manages the combination of some accelerator/beam-transport areas. Since the operation mode control system became complicated because the number of "operation mode" has increased according to SPring-8 upgrades, we are planning to construct new safety interlock system. We will report the status of the current safety interlock system and the conceptual design of the new one.  
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