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Thieme, M.

Paper Title Page
TUP060 Single Board Computer for Device Control in the FAIR Accelerator Control System 1
  • M. Thieme, W. Panschow, S. Rauch, M. Zweig
    GSI, Darmstadt
  For the FAIR accelerator control system a new single board computer (SBC) is presently under development. The SBC will be the core of the distributed intelligent peripherals and shall be realized as a multi-controller system, consisting of up to three controllers. The main components of the SBC are a powerful FPGA and a highly integrated computer-on-module (COM). FPGA and COM communicate with PCI or PCI express. With use of the COM the performance of the SBC gets flexible and scalable. If needed, the COM can be upgraded. For the communication with the controlled devices several interfaces are foreseen: A parallel bus interface (FAIR-bus), an up to 64 bit wide bidirectional interface and up to four serial high-speed links (>500 Mbit). Three Ethernet interfaces (100/1000 Mbit) are provided for the user interface to the higher control layers and general machine timing system. For diagnostic purposes the SBC holds USB, EIA-232 (RS-232) and JTAG (IEEE 1149.1). For non volatile data a compact flash interface is available.  
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TUP107 Development of a New Control System for the FAIR Accelerator Complex at GSI 328
  • R. Baer, U. Krause, V. RW. Schaa, W. Schiebel, M. Thieme
    GSI, Darmstadt
  The 'Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research' (FAIR) will be realized at the 'GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Ionenforschung GmbH' (Darmstadt, Germany) in the scope of a large international organization. This new accelerator complex will be a significant extension to the existing GSI accelerator chain. It will present unique challenges for the control system which are well beyond the capacity of the present system. A new control system is under development that considers all aspects of the expected functionality to operate the GSI/FAIR machines and integrates the present GSI controls infrastructure. The new control system substantially builds on proven principles and solutions and is based on a strictly modular design with well defined interfaces. Size and organizational structure of the FAIR project with international contributions demand for a high level of standardization and efficient interface management. This report summarizes concepts, architecture, technologies and building blocks of the new system.  
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