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Taurel, E. T.

Paper Title Page
THA001 Tango Kernel Status and Evolution 630
  • E. T. Taurel
    ESRF, Grenoble
  This paper has two different parts. In its first part, the changes done within the Tango kernel since the last Icalepcs conference will be described. The second part will focus on the foreseen evolution of the so-called Tango event system (asynchronous communication between client and server). Since its beginning, within Tango, this type of communication is implemented using a CORBA notification service implementation called omniNotify. This will be replaced by a new system based either on a home made design using Tango synchronous request or based on an implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service). The final choice is not done at the time of writing this abstract. The reason of the change and the final choice will be described. A first feedback of the new implementation will also be given.  
THP079 Dynamic Attributes and Other Functional Flexibilities of PyTango 824
  • S. Rubio-Manrique, T. Coutinho, R. Suñé
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès
  • E. T. Taurel
    ESRF, Grenoble
  ALBA, member of the Tango Collaboration, is a third generation Synchrotron under construction near Barcelona. Development of ALBA Control System soon required of highly customizable interfaces for the multiple PLCs, Vacuum and DAQ equipments being tested. On-the-run dynamic attribute creation, customized calculations, configurable state composing and attribute-grouping have been achieved applying Python; a dynamic object-oriented language with an easy syntax accessible to operators. Other new features has been added to the Control System, such as multiple device classes inheritance and integration of HW API's and high-level tools in the same processes. PyTango, the Python API of Tango, is actually the common platform for most of User and Hardware interfaces developed at ALBA.