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Simrock, S.

Paper Title Page
MOC001 LLRF System Requirement Engineering for the European XFEL 13
  • Z. Geng, G. Ayvazyan, M. K. Grecki, S. Simrock
    DESY, Hamburg
  The LLRF system of the European XFEL must fulfill the requirements of various stakeholders: Photon beam users, accelerator operators, rf experts, controls system, beam diagnostics and many others. Besides stabilizing the accelerating fields the system must be easy to operate, to maintain, and to upgrade. Furthermore it must guarantee high availability and it must be well understood. The development, construction, commissioning and operation with an international team requires excellent documentation of the requirements, designs and acceptance test. For the RF control system of the XFEL the new system modelling language SySML has been chosen to facilitate the system engineering and to document the system. SysML uses 9 diagram types to describe the structure and behavior of the system. The hierarchy of the diagrams allows individual task managers to develop detailed subsystem descriptions in a consistent framework. We present the description of functional and non-functional requirements, the system design and the test cases. An attempt of costing the software effort based on the use case point analysis is also presented.  
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WEB006 Demonstration of an ATCA Based LLRF Control System at FLASH 388
  • S. Simrock, M. K. Grecki, T. Jezynski, W. Koprek
    DESY, Hamburg
  • L. Butkowski, W. Jalmuzna, D. R. Makowski, A. Piotrowski
    TUL-DMCS, Łódź
  • K. Czuba
    Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw
  Future RF Control systems will require simultaneuous data acquisition of up to 100 fast ADC channels at sampling rates of around 100 MHz and real time signal processing within a few hundred nanoseconds. At the same time the standardization of low-level systems are common objectives for all laboratories for cost reduction, performance optimization and machine reliability. Also desirable are modularity and scalability of the design as well as compatibility with accelerator instrumentation needs including the control system. All these requirements can be fulfilled with the new telecommunication standard ATCA when adopted to the domain of instrumentation. We describe the architecture and design of an ATCA based LLRF system for the European XFEL. Initial results of the demonstration of such a system at the FLASH user facility will be presented.  
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WEP050 Survey of Communication Links for ATCA in Physics 498
  • D. R. Makowski, W. Cichalewski, G. W. Jablonski, W. Jalmuzna, A. Piotrowski
    TUL-DMCS, Łódź
  • W. Koprek, S. Simrock
    DESY, Hamburg
  Modern machines used in high energy physics require sophisticated and complex control systems. The complex systems are usually built as distributed systems. Therefore, the connectivity and communication links between distributed subsystems play a crucial role in the control system. The Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture (ATCA) and Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) standards have attracted the attention of physics community because they offer various types of Gigabit data communication channels, redundancy high reliability and availability. The standards allow using different types of communication interfaces like PCIe, Gigabit Ethernet, RapidIO. In real-time systems the data transmission latency is also important. The acquisition of real-time data from hundreds of analogue channels is required for the Low Level Radio Frequency Controller (LLRF) controller of XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser) accelerator. The paper presents survey of the communication interfaces of the LLRF controller for XFEL. The discussion includes the properties of interfaces provided by ATCA and AMC standards and summarizes requirements for the data links and protocols required by LLRF controller.

*Technical University of Łódź, Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science, Łódź, Wolczanska 221/223, Poland
**Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg, Germany

WEP051 Acquisition of Analog Signals in ATCA based LLRF Control System for X-FEL 1
  • T. Jezynski, M. K. Grecki, W. Koprek, S. Simrock
    DESY, Hamburg
  • W. Jalmuzna, D. R. Makowski
    TUL-DMCS, Łódź
  The Low Level Radio Frequency System (LLRF) for the European X-FEL must provide exceptional stability of the accelerating RF field in the accelerating cavities. The regulation requirements of 0.01% and 0.01 degrees in amplitude and phase respectively must be achieved at a frequency of 1.3 GHz while keeping low drifts (during RF pulse). The quality of analog signal processing and distribution plays a crucial role in achieving these goals. The RF signals are connected to the Rear Transition Module (RTM), downconverted there into intermediate frequency (IF) signals and finally sampled at AMC-ADC module. The high quality of the signals (SNR, low crosstalk) must be assured across all the way. The paper presents the results of development of ATCA based LLRF system for XFEL. The special attention is paid to RTM module with downconverters and carrier board conducting analog signals to the AMC-ADC module in the presence of digital processing components (FPGA, DSP).