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Shaikh, W.

Paper Title Page
TUP083 The 10 Petawatt Upgrade Proposal For The Vulcan High-Power Laser 272
  • D. A. Pepler, A. Boyle, J. L. Collier, C. Hernandez-Gomez, P. Holligan, A. Kidd, A. Lyachev, I. O. Musgrave, W. Shaikh, Y. Tang
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
  • M. Galimberti
    CNR/IPP, Pisa
  The Vulcan Nd:Glass Laser Facility* at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK has had a long history of providing high profile science with an International reputation in the field of plasma physics, predominately for a university based user community. Current capabilities of Vulcan include multiple infrared (1.053 micron) beamlines operating in the few hundred picoseconds to several nanoseconds regime with a total energy of up to 1.8kJ, synchronised with a single Petawatt class (1015W, 500J, 500fs) beamline capable of being focussed to an intensity of 1021W/cm2. It is proposed to significantly enhance Vulcan with the provision of an additional 10 Petawatt (300J in 30fs) beamline capable of generating intensities of 1023W/cm2 ' synchronous with the existing 1 PW system. This paper will provide an overview of and the challenges for the designs of the 6 year £25M upgrade project**, in terms of the laser, the high speed timing and synchronisation requirements as well as the computer control systems.

* http://www.clf.rl.ac.uk/Facilities/vulcan/laser.htm
** http://www.clf.rl.ac.uk/Facilities/vulcan/projects/10pw/10pwindex.htm

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