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Scafuri, C.

Paper Title Page
TUP037 The FERMI@Elettra Online Modeling Toolkit 170
  • C. Scafuri
    ELETTRA, Basovizza
  FERMI@Elettra is a new 4th generation synchrotron radiation source currently under construction at the Elettra laboratory, and it is based on a single-pass free electron laser. The toolkit is a rapid application development environment based on Matlab and on the Elegant and Litrack simulation codes. Its purpose is to provide machine physicists and operators with tools for estimating and plotting the main beam parameters of the running accelerator, calculating new settings and corrections, and eventually setting or updating the machine parameters with new calculated values. The toolkit consists of a set of programs and libraries which provide a bridge between the accelerator control system, based on Tango, and the simulation codes. The toolkit also provides the means to perform all the conversions from machine parameters and variables (such as a current circulating in a magnet) to beam dynamics variables (the magnetic field strength, in the example) and vice-versa. The conversion is performed by a set of virtual Tango devices that implement an online magnet model; these devices contain all the needed calibration tables and the logic to read and set the appropriate power supply.  
TUP105 The Control System of the FERMI@Elettra Free Electron Laser 322
  • M. Lonza, A. Abrami, F. Asnicar, L. Battistello, R. Borghes, V. Chenda, S. Cleva, G. Del Prete, M. F. Dos Santos, S. Fontanini, G. Gaio, F. Giacuzzo, R. Marizza, R. Passuello, L. Pivetta, M. Pugliese, C. Scafuri, G. Scalamera, G. Strangolino, D. Vittor, L. Zambon
    ELETTRA, Basovizza
  FERMI@Elettra is a new 4th-generation light source currently under construction at the Elettra laboratory. It is based on a single pass free electron laser consisting in 1.5-GeV normal-conducting linac and two chains of undulators where the photon beams are produced with a seeded laser multistage mechanism. The control system interfaces to and controls all devices and systems of the facility. The hardware architecture has been designed using commercial components and open standards, and a software environment based on Linux and the Tango control system is deployed on all computers. The personnel safety and the equipment protection systems rely on a well established technology based on PLCs. A real time infrastructure based on a dedicated Ethernet network and a real time implementation of Linux provides centralized shot-by-shot data acquisition at the linac repetition rate, as well as synchronized setting of the controlled variables required to implement feedback loops. Special care has been taken to provide a productive environment that will allow development of control room applications both for the commissioning and the operation phases.  
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THP096 QTango: a Qt Based Framework for Tango Graphical Control Panels 865
  • G. Strangolino, F. Asnicar, V. Forchi, C. Scafuri
    ELETTRA, Basovizza
  QTango is a framework integrating the Tango control system with Trolltech's Qt4 core and GUI libraries. It implements an efficient multithreaded and object oriented architecture, letting software developers easily and quickly compose Tango aware control system panels. Creation of device proxies, event subscription, device polling, device centric threads, error logs and other features are transparently available through the core of the QTango library. The library is distributed together with a set of widgets wearing a pleasant, easy to use and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) oriented interface. The kit of QTango widgets includes labels, buttons, linear and circular gauges, numeric writers, spin boxes, line edits and different kind of plots. The core library allows straightforward development and integration of new graphical elements. Version 3, the new major release of the framework, is the basis for the design of the graphical user interfaces of the FERMI@Elettra FEL facility control system.