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Sakamoto, T.

Paper Title Page
TUP003 Consummation of an Observable Network System 102
  • T. Ohata, M. I. Ishii, T. Sakamoto, T. Sugimoto
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  Recent network system becomes more complex and larger because of virtual LAN and other virtualization technologies. Proliferation of a variety of network switches and routers makes a network system gigantic; hence, management of the misty network faces problems. This is the largest factor that deteriorates stable operation of a network system that should be robust and reliable. One of the promising solutions to keep a network system simple and understandable is introduction of the monitor tools that makes a network system visual and observable. We introduced the sFlow technology in addition to the traditional SNMP-based network node management (NNM) system. We could take statuses of network nodes by NNM such as hardware failure, and also we could grasp long perspective of network traffic at one view by the sFlow. In addition, an integrated log management system was introduced to collect all events on the whole network system. As a result, we could detect a trouble outbreak in real time even if a trouble occurred on the end point of the network, and could solve the problem promptly. We describe a way to achieve an observable network system to maintain stable network operation.  
WED006 Upgrade Of The Spring-8 Control Network For Integration Of Xfel 627
  • T. Sugimoto, M. I. Ishii, T. Ohata, T. Sakamoto, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  Today, new synchrotron-radiation facilities have been built around the world. One of these facilities, RIKEN XFEL project in Japan, is characterized by its location beside existing facility, SPring-8. Using X rays from two facilities in coincidence, new scientific applications are expected such as pump-and-probe experiments, and so on. We also plan to use linac of the XFEL as another injector to the SPring-8. By benefiting from combined application with two facilities, it is necessary to integrate two control systems. Important point of the integration is combination and segregation of two facilities. For combined applications, two control systems should be treated as one facility. On the other hand, when two facilities are operated separately, two control systems should be independent each other, and one system must not be affected by any trouble of another system. To archive the point, we physically segregate control system into two networks using firewall. Since control architecture in SPring-8 is database oriented, two systems can be coupled with synchronization of database for combined applications. We show the concept and upgrade status of new network and control system.  
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