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Plotnikova, O. A.

Paper Title Page
WEP034 Application of VEPP-4M Database for Analysis Radiation Resistance of Temperature Sensors on Base DS1631Z 1
  • O. A. Plotnikova, V. Y. Chudaev, S. E. Karnaev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  The temperature system on base DS1631 has proved its reputation as simple and reliable. In how intense ionizing radiation the system can remains operational for a long time? To answer this question the set of temperature sensors was placed at the converter of VEPP and the measurements have been adding to our DB every minute during one month. A dose of ionizing radiation had been registering every 3 days. The results of this experiment are described in the article.  
WEP095 Architecture of VEPP-4M Collider's Interlock System 1
  • O. A. Plotnikova, V. I. Kaplin, S. E. Karnaev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  In recent years we have been building a complete Temperature Measurements and Interlock System to prevent an overheating of magnets. The system provides warning and interlocking functions. The article describes the method of collecting and processing temperature data and the information panel of Interlock System.  
THP035 Automation of the Experiment on the VEPP-4 Facility 1
  • S. E. Karnaev, D. Bolkhovityanov, S. I. Mishnev, O. A. Plotnikova, A. G. Shamov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  The VEPP-4 Control System is based on using CAMAC-embedded controller ODRENOK, which was designed 25 years ago*. In 90th PCs were implemented into the control system for data storing and visualization**. Since this period a lot of new devices and technologies were accommodated for the accelerator control on the VEPP-4 facility. This paper includes a description of the recent experience of the VEPP-4 control system operation based on communication of PCs with old computers. Automation of the operations on the high energy physics experiments is presented. The long time data storage system based on postgreSQL server is described.

* A. Aleshaev, et al, VEPP-4 Control System, ICALEPCS'95, 1995, Chicago, USA
** A. Aleshaev, et al, Integration of PCs into the VEPP-4 Control System, PCaPAC, 2005, GUAS (Hayama), Japan