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Pieck, M.

Paper Title Page
TUP051 Systems Enginering Aspects to Installation of the Phased Multi-Year LANSCE-Refurbishment Project 203
  • M. Pieck, J. L. Erickson, M. S. Gulley, K. W. Jones, L. Rybarcyk
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  Funding: This facility is funded by the US Department of Energy and operated by Los Alamos National Security for NSSA under Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. LA-UR- 09-02349

The LANSCE Refurbishment Project (LANSCE-R) is a phased, multiyear project. The project is scheduled to start refurbishment in the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2011. Closeout will occur during the 4th quarter of FY2016. During the LANSCE-R project, installation of project components must be scheduled during six annual 6-month maintenance-outages and not conflict with annual LANSCE operational commitments to its user facilities. The nature of a major refurbishment at a facility with production commitments requires carefully planning the system installation, functional testing and commissioning responsibilities, and the transition to operation. This paper will report on the systems engineering approach to the integration and control of 1) Engineering Activities, 2) Performance and Design requirements, 3) Interface Control, 4) Technical Assurance, 5) System Integration, 6) Configuration Management, and 7) Operational Planning, Startup Testing, and Installation. A particular focus will be given to the Controls, Instrumentation and Diagnostic Systems.

WEP027 System Integration Effort on MagViz a Liquid Explosive Detection Device 462
  • M. Pieck, J. O. Hill, J. F. Power
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  Funding: Funded by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security. LA-UR- 09-02350

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) technologists have adapted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology from medical devices to create MagViz, a new diagnostic and imaging device distinguishing potential-threat liquids from the harmless substances that the public might take onboard an aircraft. The MagViz system is a new ultra-low-field MRI approach using (SQUIDs) Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices for data acquisition. Linked with a computer database, MagViz reliably identifies some 50 liquids from the chemical fingerprints of their dynamic response to polarization stimulus wavefoms. The underlying technology for MagViz has been developed for an experimental laboratory environment. A controls team took the individually developed, highly incoherant, multi-platform collection of hardware and software applications, and integrated them into a coherant system. This paper will describe the integration effort, the problems faced, and the lessons learned when integrating a large number of hetterogenous systems; I.e. polarization stiumulus waveform generation system, SQUID control system, conveyer belt, camera image acquisition, data analysis library, and user interface.