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Palazzi, P.

Paper Title Page
TUP049 The TOTEM Detector Control System 197
  • F. Lucas Rodriguez, I. Atanassov, P. Palazzi, F. Ravotti
    CERN, Geneva
  The detectors of the TOTEM experiment at the LHC (Roman Pots silicon detectors, CSC & GEM) require the monitoring and control of the usual equipment used in HEP: HV/LV power supplies, VME crates and environmental sensors readout using ELMBs or through the DCU technology. Moreover, while most of the LHC experiments exploit fixed detectors, the TOTEM DCS -Big Brother- includes the control of movable parts (the Roman Pots) to keep the sensors at a specified distance from the beams. The TOTEM DCS differs from those of other LHC experiments in many ways. Engineering and project management follow a structured approach inspired by the ESA ECSS collaborative space standards. Project phasing and planning is done with GDPM on a weekly basis. The collection of functional and technical requirements uses an extension of the ALICE strategy. The Big Brother documentation reside on a dedicated web server, powered by iDOC, a TOTEM DCS technology. The Configuration Management is organized using SubVersioN. Details on the SW development process of the supervisory level (PVSS) will be also given, together with the description of custom automatic scripts which greatly simplify the system configuration.  
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WEP088 The TOTEM On-line Radiation Monitoring System 573
  • F. Ravotti, I. Atanassov, F. Lucas Rodriguez, J. Morant, P. Palazzi
    CERN, Geneva
  The TOTEM detectors together with their front-end electronics are located in LHC areas where high radiation levels are expected. To understand the radiation-induced changes on the detector performances and to survey anomalous increases of radiation levels, the Ionizing Dose and the Particle Fluence are monitored during TOTEM operation. This set of information is made available on-line through the TOTEM DCS. The basic unit of the radiation monitoring system is an integrated sensor that hosts 4 types of monitors (RadFETs & p-i-n diodes) connected to the electronics via readout cables. In total, 36 sensors are installed in TOTEM. The one located in the Roman Pots, along the LHC tunnel, sit more than 300m far from the readout electronics. This characteristic makes this system unique with respect to the one implemented for the other LHC experiments. In this article we detail the design of this part of the TOTEM control system based on ELMBs, together with the PVSS control SW architecture and its integration at the supervisory level of the TOTEM DCS. Results of a series of commissioning tests performed at the LHC will be also presented in order to evaluate the performance of the system.  
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