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Ninin, P.

Paper Title Page
WEC004 IEC 61508 Experience for the Development of the LHC Functional Safety Systems and Future Perspectives 400
  • P. Ninin
    CERN, Geneva
  Funding: CERN 1211 Geneva 23

This paper summarises the experience gained during the development of the personal protection systems of the LHC and more particularly the feedback of the use of the IEC 61508 functional safety standards. The paper drafts also the guidelines for the development of the future functional safety systems at CERN. After an introduction on the legal aspects and responsibility of the various stakeholders implied in the development of a safety system, the paper describes the functional safety life cycle applied and experience gained in each stage of the process; covering topics such as : the preliminary risk analysis, the definition of the safety functions, the probabilistic analysis of the architecture implementing the safety function, the verification and validation process, the maintenance strategy, and the validation of the system by the external safety Authority. The perspective of the applicability of the new nuclear branch safety standard IEC 61513 is also introduced.

WEP102 The LHC Access System 600
  • T. Ladzinski, Ch. Delamare, S. Di Luca, S. Grau, T. Hakulinen, L. Hammouti, F. Havart, J.-F. Juget, P. Ninin, R. Nunes, T. Pettersson, T. R. Riesco, E. Sanchez-Corral Mena, G. Smith, F. Valentini
    CERN, Geneva
  This paper describes the LHC Access System, built to protect the personnel working in the LHC from radiation hazards; the system's architecture and the experience gathered of commissioning, testing and using it. This system is made of two parts: the LHC Access Control System (LACS) and the LHC Access Safety System (LASS). Using redundant, fail-safe PLC's and a supplementary cabled loop the LASS guarantees the safety of the personnel in all events. Using industrial components, the LACS regulates the access to the tunnels and experimental areas by identifying users and checking their authorizations. It allows a remote or automatic operation of the access control equipment and restricts the number of users working simultaneously in the interlocked areas. Since the beginning of the operational phase, additional efforts and studies have been done to ensure the inviolability of this protection system by users not holding the required credentials. The design, procurement and installation of the entire system took more than 4 years and the commissioning phase lasted about 12 months. The paper presents as well the return of experience of the first 2 years of operation.  
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