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Muto, R.

Paper Title Page
TUP070 Development of Spill Control System for the J-PARC Slow Extraction 245
  • S. Onuma, T. I. Ichikawa, K. Mochiki
    Tokyo City University, Tokyo
  • T. Adachi, A. Kiyomichi, R. Muto, H. Nakagawa, H. Sato, H. Someya, M. Tomizawa
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • K. Noda
    NIRS, Chiba-shi
  J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) is a new accelerator facility to produce MW-class high power proton beams. From the main ring high energy protons are extracted in a slow extracted mode for hadrons experiments. The slow extraction beam is required with as small ripple as possible to prevent pileup events in particle detectors or data acquisition systems. Based on preliminary experiments at HIMAC (Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba) using a prototype signal processing board, we have developed a new signal processing board for the spill feedback control. The circuit board consists of three signal input ports for gate, spill intensity and residual beam intensity in the main ring, three signal output ports for spill control magnets, two DSPs (TMS320C6713) for the analysis of power spectrum and the spill feedback control, dual port memories, FPGAs and a LAN interface for remote control to change feedback parameters. Using this board, digital filtering, phase-shift processing, servo feedback control, real-time calculation of power spectrum density and adaptive control are examined.  
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TUP108 Control System for J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility 331
  • Y. Sato, A. Agari, E. Hirose, M. Ieiri, Y. Katoh, A. Kiyomichi, M. Minakawa, R. Muto, M. Naruki, S. Sawada, Y. Shirakabe, Y. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, M. Takasaki, K. H. Tanaka, A. Toyoda, H. Watanabe, Y. Yamanoi
    KEK, Tsukuba
  • H. Noumi
    RCNP, Osaka
  J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility is a multi-purpose research facility, using intense kaons and pions produced with 50GeV-15micro A (750kW) proton beams. In Hadron Experimental hall (HD-hall), the secondary kaon/pion beams are transported to the experimental areas and used for a variety of particle and nuclear physics experiments. In Janually 2009, the first beam was successfully extracted from the accelerator and transported to the beam dump in HD-hall. The present contribution reports the control system for the equipments on the beam lines and safety systems in Hadoron Experimental Facility, using EPCICS.  
WEP076 Control of the J-PARC Slow Extraction Line Based on Embedded EPICS 549
  • M. Takagi
    Kanto Information Service (KIS), Accelerator Group, Ibaraki
  • N. Kamikubota, A. Kiyomichi, S. Murasugi, R. Muto, H. Nakagawa, J.-I. Odagiri, K. Okamura, Y. Shirakabe, M. Tomizawa, N. Yamamoto
    KEK, Ibaraki
  The J-PARC Main Ring supplies high energy proton beams to the hadron experiment facility through the slow extraction line. It comprised of a series of septa, staring from a pair of electrostatic septa (ESS) followed by magnetic septa, and some of those septa are movable by using stepping motors to adjust their positions for a better optics. In order to control the power supplies of the septa and the stepping motors, an EPICS-based control is implemented based on a new type of Input / Output Controller (IOC), which runs Linux on a CPU module of FA-M3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The CPU functions with normal I/O modules of FA-M3 on the PLC-bus. The most remarkable feature of the control system is that we replaced ladder programs with EPICS sequencer programs for the efficiency of the software development and ease of maintenance. And we found that the new type of IOCs had worked without any serious troubles during the beam commissioning period, from Run#21(Jan.2009) through Run22(Feb.2009). This paper describes the details of the new IOC and its experiences in J-PARC operation including long term stability.